Chapter 14: Back To School

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"Wish I have my phone or camera with me right now.." Eugene said.
"Breath-takin', isn't it?" Jaden replied.

Jaden and Eugene had left Norlangarth to search the Realm of Light for the Seven Keys of Azerrak, as well as their other classmates.
The ship that they're piloting is originally Artemis's, but Jaden borrowed it, so he can look for Aya's friend and cousin, Affaf. As of this moment, the two boys are flying in the wide space, heading for the 5th Level. During their flight, Mado explained to Majd all that he had learned about Lacrima and the planetoids he'd visited to this very moment.
"The connection between planetoids is far from stable. That's why you've never seen demons before." Jaden said. "Not just that, but Norlangarth's history is only 300 years! Yet, all planetoids use the same calander with nearly six-hundred years lived.."
"Maybe that's when the Axiom was established, not life in Lacrima!" Eugene added.
"Good point!" Jaden replied. "But one thing for certain. The Axiom government has made the Realm of Light segmented and closed off in order for it to be easily monitored."
"So, if anything stands out of the ordinary," Eugene said.
"They can easily spot it.." Jaden finished.
"So, that's why you lied about your memories!" Eugene loosely pointed at Jaden.
"I had to keep a tight lip about the Keys." Jaden explained. "Or I'd definitely be chased and killed! So, the best act is to keep my intentions a secret."
"What about the Eternal Knights?" Eugene asked. "They supposed to know about such powerful things."
"Could be!" Jaden replied. "The Axiom government probably knows all about the realm's mysteries.."
"Well, since the Keys can grant any wish, wouldn't the Axiom be afraid that somebody might wish for something that can harm them?" Eugene asked.
"Hmmm, it's true." Jaden covered his mouth. "The Axiom rules all that it can reach. For them, the Realm of Light is all that it is, and they pretty much got hold of it."
"Ahh, you're right.." Eugene muttered.
"But for the Keys to possess the chance to turn tables on them overnight, then—" Jaden said.
"Then, they must've got them all!" Eugene interjected.
"No, that's highly unlikely.." Jaden replied. "If they already have 'em, I wouldn't have found the Copper Key..."
"So, what do you think?" Eugene asked.
"My guess is that they know where each Key is hidden, and they're watching for whoever goes after 'em." Jaden concluded.
"But if that's true, then that means—" Eugene was interrupted by a beeping sound came from the ship.


"Huh!!" Jaden gasped.
The sound was followed by a quake.


"What's going on?!" Eugene uttered.
"Looks like we got hit!" Jaden checked the radar. "There's a ship attacking us from behind!"

The mysterious hostile ship kept attacking Jaden's ship as he was trying to evade. It was shooting laser beams that hit them directly, and caused a noticeable damage. The impact made the two boys jump off their seats.
"Damn it!," Eugene said. "Can't you put it on display?!"
"I'm on it!" Jaden saw the attacking ship through the screen.
"What the?!" he exclaimed.
"That's an Axiom ship!" Eugene exclaimed. "Why is it attacking us?!"
Could it be?, Jaden thought. "I'll try contacting them!"

Jaden tried dialing the Axiom ship, and asking for an explanation. The connection was successfully established, so Jaden went ahead to talk first.
"To the Axiom ship, do you copy?" he said through the ship's built-in microphone. "This ship is being piloted by Jaden Inferno from Red Grave. I'm accompanied by Eugene Osler from Norlangarth. We both have permits to fly as well as Duty completion and extensions."
Jaden finished what he had to say, and waited for the government's response.

'Oh, alright, you may precede! Sorry for the inconvenience.' was the reply Jaden was expecting. Instead, the Axiom ship charged faster towards them, and continued the shooting.
"Those rotten!" Jaden smacked the console.
Their ship was starting to shake left and right rigorously, and both Jaden and Eugene were losing balance.
"Mado, be careful!" Eugene said as the ship endured a critical hit.

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