Chapter 15: Polar Opposites

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"E- Elaine!..." Eugene grabbed the ginger haired girl's arm.

Jaden was looking attentively in an anticipation.

"Wha?!" the ginger haired girl looked at both Eugene and Jaden in surprise.

She kept looking back and forth between the two boys. "Excuse me?" she muttered in confusion.

"Your name isn't Elaine, is it..?" Eugene muttered in disappointment.
Jaden looked at the ginger haired girl from top to bottom as he thought. According to Renee's description of her older sister, Elaine was a blond haired girl with blue eyes, and her skin was creamy white. This one here doesn't match that even a little. Her hair is a dark ginger-orange, and her eyes are light brown. Plus, she got freckles on her cheeks. Renee wouldn't forget pointing at 'em if Elaine got them herself.

The girl who was standing face to face with the two boys, and holding a camera, told them her name.

"I'm Julia!" she said. "Uh— I haven't seen you before.... Are you new here?!"
Oh God, this is the part when it gets awkward, Jaden thought. Majd must be really devastated right now! Hope he can handle it..

"Yeah, actually, hehehe.." Eugene was scratching the back of his head.

THAT WAS FAST!, Jaden was shocked.

"We've just mistaken you for someone else.." Eugene giggled.
"..Oh, it's fine." Julia replied happily. "I thought maybe you guys were lost or something."
"No—no!" Eugene laughed.
So basically, Majd is a moron, Jaden thought about his friend's attitude. Or maybe that's how he cope with stressful situations; a sort of Defense Mechanism.
"But don't be shy!" Julia said. "If you needed help on anything, you can always come to me at the school newspaper office."
"Ehh, okay—" Eugene was struck by the presence of a new person who grabbed Julia from behind.
He was a tall Asian guy with an average built, and dark brown hair, and wearing stylish clothes. He looked to Mado and Majd like a K-pop star.
"C'mon, babe." he whispered to Julia who smiled when she saw him.
"Oh, Kym!" she giggled. "That's surprising.."
"Class is about to start." the fancy K-pop guy held Julia's hand and went straight to class.
Eugene and Jaden were left standing in the hallway that was getting less and less crowded every second.
"..But I thought that was—" Eugene muttered.
"Yeah, that was pretty smooth.." Jaden added, and started to walk forward to the exit. "C'mon, time to get outta here!"
As he walked past Eugene, Jaden was grabbed from behind.
"Not so fast!" a strange voice that belonged to a grown-up man uttered.
Eugene watched his friend getting restrained by a white haired man in a suit. It seemed to him like he was the principal.
"Miss. Crumble's class is this way gentlemen." the principal pointed at the same class Julia went into.

"Adren Unger?"
"Albert Charge?"
"Right here!"
"Aksel Dolph—ie??"
"It's Dolph, dolt!" a leather wearing guy with bad attitude joked. He successfully got few laughs from the other students.
Some of the students, the ones who weren't wearing any leather, apparently didn't like that guy's banter, Jaden thought. It seemed that there some sort of segregation in this school. The people with the biker outfit, including the weird girl from the locker room, are most likely the bad mannered students.

After they got caught by the principal, Jaden and Eugene were forced to attend a Sociology class. The class's teacher, Miss. Crumble, is a weak-willed instructor that couldn't control the students in her classroom.
Eugene was sitting in the front row near Julia and the K-pop guy, while Jaden was sitting further back next to one of the leather guys.

"Today's class is about government structure!" said Miss. Crumble. "Anybody knows who's the highest ranked person in our government?"
Julia raised her hand along with a number of students.
"Oh yes, my queen!" Crumble smiled while pointing at Julia.
"The Administrator." she answered.
"Excellent!" Crumble shot back, and continued explaining.
Jaden heard the student around him whispering about Julia. They were saying that she was guaranteed to become a homecoming queen.

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