Chapter 17: The Southside

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26th day of the Eighth month, year 666 - Realm of Light: Lucis; Maplewood.

It was a rather cold morning in Maplewood as the sun was still rising. Beams of light were getting into Julia's room enlightening it completely. The senior highschooler was still yet curled under her warm blanket. She didn't feel like it was possible for her to even lift a finger.

   —— Maybe it's not a bad idea to skip today, she thought to herself.

But as she was trying to accept that thought, her phone rang! Could this be her boyfriend trying to wake her up with a sweet morning affirmation?
Julia— with one eye still closed, looked at the screen, but she didn't find Kym's face on it as usual. She saw an UNKNOWN number calling.
"Hello..." she hesitantly answered.

"...Well hello there, Julia..."

It was Death Gun, speaking with a deep monstrous voice. "...Hope you're already up..." he said. "It looks like the three days window has been expired. Have you found the glitch?.."
Julia took a moment before replying to him with a mere "No, I haven't."

"Well, that's really disappointing.." Death Gun said. "But it also very exciting! My bullets were getting very cold lately..."
"You don't have to do that! Just give me more time, and I promise I'll do—" Julia replied in fear.
"Uh-ah, a deal is a deal, Miss. Homecoming Queen... So, it's better for you to choose for me a good target tonight, or do you want me to choose?!" he laughed.
"..No— no, please...!" Julia cried as her voice attracted her father.
"What's wrong, baby?!" Mr. Park asked.
Julia hung up instantly the moment her dad came hurriedly to her door.
"...Uh— it's nothing, just problems with tonight's dance... that's all."
"Are you sure?!" Mr. Park became concerned. "Because it didn't sound like you were talking about something of that sort.."
"No, that was Cristina! She got mad at me for not agreeing to her plans. So don't worry.." she replied with a smile.
Mr. Park got no choice but to back down. He exhaled slowly before saying "You teenagers, school life isn't the end of the world! You gotta learn how to be calm and collected."
"Yeah, I get it," Julia refined her manners. "But girls are like that sometimes. It's complicated.."
"Yeah, well.." Julia's father scratched the back of his head.
"I suppose mom would've got this..." she muttered.
"..I'm sorry, sweetheart.." he whispered to her as he gazed far and below, eyeing her mother who was laying catatonic on the couch.
Julia's mother was an addict. She threw her life away while chasing the pleasure that Anthem provided. Throughout the years, it gradually drained her dry of everything she had ever held dear. Poor Julia just remembered how on one time, she found her mother collapsed, nearly lost her life from overdosing. Was it only just one time though?! If it weren't for Anthem dealers and corruption, none of what happened would have ever had.
It's for this reason above all others that made her wanted to proactively change Maplewood, and make it a better place. That's why she gets up every morning and pull it off, and gives hope to those around her. Julia wanted to live for her mom's sake.

She then wiped her face and took a deep breath. "It's okay.." Julia mumbled. "Everything is gonna be fine!"
"Come on, you're gonna be late for school." Mr. Park encouraged his daughter and walked out of the room.

Minutes later, Julia was already walking to school. The weather was very windy, and the clouds above were heavy and depressing. As she was absent-minded, her phone rang again.
Julia sighed before answering, "..Yeah.."
"That was so bold of you!" Death Gun said. "Hanging up on me like that..."
"Sorry, I had to—" she started to explain.
"Of course, you wouldn't wanted your beloved daddy to see you weep.." he replied sarcastically.
"What now?!" Julia was fed up.
"It's time to choose, Julia!" Death Gun answered. "Pick someone who deserves to die.."
Julia's brain stopped working. There was no way that she would choose to kill anybody.

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