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As I take a deep breath, I step inside the large building ahead of me. Karasuno High School, in the Miyagi prefecture in the Tōhoku region of Japan. Its my second year here, but that doesn't mean I'm not scared. My name is Y/N L/N. Your average Japanese highschooler. I'm y/h (your height) and I'm 16. I have fair skin, h/c hair, and e/c colored eyes.

I guess, the reason why I'm nervous, is because I don't have many friends. I want that to change this year, though. I want my last two years of school to be memorable, so I would like to join some clubs and make some friends. The only problem is, I am not quite sure what I really want to do. I am not very athletic, and I'm not very talented at the arts. I love to help people though. Sadly, there is no "Help people" club here at Karasuno. So, instead, I decided, I would become a team manager for one of the male sports teams here. The female teams sadly are not as... good I guess you could say. The male teams are much more dedicated. I haven't quite decided what sport I want to help with yet, though. I am going to look and see what my options are first. 

I find my way to my class. Class 3. I hope there won't be any jerks in my class this year. I just wanna make it through this year, without distractions. I walk in, and take a seat, in the middle, towards the window. A boy, about 5'2 (159 cm) walks in, and sits behind me. He had dark brown hair with a shorter, dirty blonde piece in the front. A small figure, but he was quite cute. 

Finally, everyone had made it to a desk, and the teacher had arrived. It was time to start my second year. 


w: 318

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