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6:30 am. My alarm began to blare, waking me up from my slumber. Trust me, I love school, but some days I rather sleep all day. I guess that's what weekends are for, though.

I drag myself up, and get ready. Change. Brush my hair and teeth. Put on mascara. Eat a small breakfast. Get my school items together. Put on my shoes. By now, it was 7:30 am. Time to get going. As stood up from putting my shoes on, I remembered I was meeting up with Nishinoya to walk to school again today. I quickly made my way down the stairs of my side of the complex, and saw Nishinoya, who made it just seconds before I did. He waved.

"Hey Noya-san!!" I said, waving, as I approached him. 

"Hi L/N-chan!!" He smiled. He's cute when he smiles. "How are you? Ready to begin our walk?"

I laughed. "Yep, ready as always. I'm great." We begin on our normal route to school, and start to talk our nonsense. He was telling me about his friend, Tanaka and how he was on the volleyball team with him too. He seems just as energetic and crazy as Noya. I smiled at the thought of that. Sadly, the walk went by faster than I thought. Before I knew it, Nishinoya and I were sitting down in homeroom together, and we would have to finish talking. It kinda sucked, I was a little bummed. That conversation made my morning. The teacher walked in and it was time to start the day.

Unable to sit still, thinking about my walk with Noya, I sneak my phone out in my desk, and opened my messages.


Want to walk home together again today? Walking here was a blast with you this morning!!! You have to tell me more about you and your crazy volleyball games with Tanaka-kun. 

I sent it, and looked over at him. He looked at me back, as he felt the vibration of his phone going off. I hope he doesn't think I am being too "clingy" to him. I just really enjoy talking to him. It really brightens my mornings and afternoons. Nishinoya pulls out his phone, reads the text, and then looks up at me, and smiles. Seconds later, I hear my phone vibrate.

Noya-san ;)

Of course y/n-chan!! I would love to walk home with you again tonight. Spending my mornings with you on the way to school, it really makes my day. And walking home together always puts me in a good mood. Meet me at the front gates after the last bell!!

I blushed reading that. It makes his day.. That makes me smile a lot. 


The sound of the schoolbell is practically music to my ears. Lunchtime. I'm starving. Normally, I would pack my lunch and just stay in my class to eat, but today I decided I would get something from a vending machine. I step out of my seat and make it outside into the bright sun. Then I spot it, the holy machine. The Vending Machine. I quickly pick what I want, shove my money in it, and boom. My cravings were filled. I walk over to the bench nearby and plop myself down, unwrapping my food as I did so. By the time my butt had reached the chair, I had began to shove it down my throat. Call it 'not lady-like' all you wanted, but I was STARVING today. I quickly finished it, relieved. That should hold up for a while, at least until I made it home. I threw away my waste and made my way back to my class to do my homework for the remainder of lunch. Might as well be productive now so I can be lazy later.


w: 624

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