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finally back from vacation, frequent updates are back. also nearly 100 reads?? woahh!! ty!!


Friday morning. Noya and I walked to school together again. I was going to watch his volleyball practice tonight. He told me to meet him by the doors to the boys gym after the last bell rang. I was excited, but also nervous. Excited to see him play. Nervous to meet this Kiyoko-san that Yuu spoke so highly of. Nervous of what the rest of the team would think of me.

Time will only tell how this will play out.


"Noya-san!!" I wave as I walk over his way, out to the boys gym. I'd never been to this side of the school. 

"Hey y/n-chan!! Follow me!!!" Yuu grabs my hand and drags me into the gym. Inside, there stands many tall boys, and one smaller orange haired boy, and two girls. The blonde one looked to be a first year. "KIYOKO-SANNNN!!!!" 

Noya lets go of my hand, running, then jumping towards the taller, dark-haired girl. That was Kiyoko. She moved over to the side in an instant, with an emotionless face. Nishinoya face planted on the hard floor, next to her. Ouch. I stood there for a second, not sure what to do. Kiyoko-san then walked up towards me.

"Hello, I'm Kiyoko Shimizu, the 3rd year manager of the team, It's nice to meet you." She says, respectfully bowing. It was wrong for me to judge her without knowing her. She seems really nice. And doesn't seem to really care for Noya like that...

"I-I'm y/n l/n, 2nd year... Nice to meet you too.." I respond, bowing aswell. "I'm here to watch Noya practice, he invited me to watch, if that's okay..." 

"That's fine, you can come watch whenever you like. We have practice almost everyday." Kiyoko says. 

"Thank you..!" I respond. Kiyoko walks away towards 3 boys, who also look to be 3rd years. Scary. I walk towards Nishinoya, who is talking to a tall, black haired boy, and a short, orange haired boy. 

"Are you shorter than me?" The orange haired boy asked Noya. I laughed as he became angered about the small boy's comment. Finally after bickering, Noya introduced himself, and the other two did too.

Hinata Shoyo and Kageyama Tobio, both first years. 

I introduced myself to them too, they seemed sweet. As I finished, Daichi called them over to begin practice, so I made my way to the bench where Kiyoko sat, to begin watching them warm up and play. 


w: 423

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