Hatred, Magic, and Fear.

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Gavin's vision began to blur, but he stood his ground. The grey wolf had shown up, looking at the white one, exchanging messages to each other. Gavin hissed and covered his ears with his paws. That caught the attention of the two, and he snarled. His once green eyes were now leaving a red trail a steeped back before charging in between the two and disappearing into thin air. The two wolves immediately panicked because they had no idea where the cat went. Gavin had witnessed the killing, and could technically use that against them. Gavin knew one of the wolves. A bit too well.

He transformed back to his faunus form crying out in pain and falling over. "Elijah!? Chloe!?" The cat hissed out.

The two visited him when ever they could, luckily this was one of those days. Elijah walked into the living room confused and clearly annoyed. Which quickly turned into panic and fear of what his half brother got himself into. "Oh god... Gavin what the hell happened, why are you... Chloe got the first aid kit!!" Chloe had run into the room a few seconds later.

"Gavin what happened!?" Gavin winced at the cold water on his back, Chloe had wasted no time in cleaning the wound.

"I left my car at the department when Tina, Chris, and I went drinking. I had was walking back there after dropping Chris and his car off, when I saw... them.." He muffled a scream and bit down on a rag Chloe shoved into his mouth. "Sorry, I'm trying to make it as painless as possible."

Gavin nodded and took the rag out. "Two wolves... they...they killed... that person. I-I ran, as fast as I possibly could, trying to get to the forest where I knew I could lose them but...well...I heard a high pitched noise and I had to slow down. It hurt my ears so much." Gavin shoved the rag into his mouth, screaming out in pain.

Elijah looked at Gavin. "I know you don't like hospitals but...they have better healers.."

Gavin shook his head. "Too dangerous... They probably have my scent... Plus I used magic to teleport. If they aren't stupid they could kill me when they find out I'm a witch. Not just a cat.." Elijah nodded. "Alright, all cleaned up."

"What did the wolves look like?" The panther sat next to Gavin and began healing him as much as he could. Gavin explained as much as he possibly could and ended up passing out five minutes later. 

I'm not an animal. A reed900 fanfic Faunus (animal) AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ