Uh oh..

22 2 0

When he woke up, he wasn't where he thought he'd be. ".....Nines?....Chloe?" "Good morning Gavin!! You're currently at Elijah's residence, rk900 or Nines, is currently getting an upgrade." 

Gavin's vision blurred a bit. He nodded and slowly sat up. His ears and tail were both visible and down.

"How...how long was I out..." "8 hours 23 minute and 10 seconds." Chloe helps him up and gives him a pair of clothes before walking away.

Gavin stares at the window. He suppressed his magic but now he needs to just release it. Like he's a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. He quickly changes and walks outside his room. Eli has a training room here somewhere right? Yup, here it is...

Gavin opens the doors to find a surprisingly large gym. He walks inside, closing the door behind him, and grabs a training dummy.

After setting up an entire training course he sighs and walks forward, letting his magic seep through his veins. Fire practically seething from his fists. He takes a breath, and launches himself into the air.

Elijah takes a sip from his coffee, looking back at Conan, and turning him on.

Conan's eyes open and he flinches. "Is Gavin ok!? The wolves didn't find us, correct!?" Elijah nods.

"Calm down, both of you are safe. Gavin should be asleep still. If he wasn't you'd hear a bunch of explosions coming from the-" A large blast shook the building.

"Gym...thank god no one can hear that...and its blast proof..." Conan looks at Elijah worriedly. "Will he be alright..."

Elijah smirks. "Of course he will. When he compresses his magic, it builds inside of him like a balloon with air. When he can't hold it for much longer...." his smirk fades into a fear ridden one.

"People...will dye.....no matter who they are....he...he'll explode...just like last time... anyway I'm hungry feel free to walk around.."

I'm not an animal. A reed900 fanfic Faunus (animal) AUWhere stories live. Discover now