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After a few officers showed up and took Adrian to the hospital, Gavin and Nines went to a hotel. Gavin had passed out on the bed, Nines made sure he was ok first then sat next to him.

Deviant...I am a deviant...Amanda will be absolutely pissed. What will Gavin think though. He had fallen asleep on the way over, but what if he...hates me now....

Gavin pulled Nines toward him, burying his head into Nines chest. Nines turned blue and smiled a bit. "....toaster...warm....."

Nines kissed Gavin's head and went into stasis. He burned the memory into his mind. He could honestly stay like this forever and probably would too...

Timeskip Brought to You by Cuddles

When Gavin woke up Nines wasn't there, he stretched and looked around. Right...hotel. He got up and walked towards the bathroom and  heard a shower turn off. Gavin practically bolted back to the bed, throwing the covers over himself.

Nines, obviously heard this and smirked, throwing on his normal clothes but keeping his jacket off. His hair, ears, and tail were still wet, annoyingly, as he walked out. Nines could hear Gavin's breathing stop. He pretended like nothing was happening, his back facing Gavin, who was peeking from under the covers, his cheeks were bright pink, and tail was wagging. "You know if you wanted to be stealthy you're versing an android who already knew you were awake, Detective."

Gavin choked on air. "I-I don't know w-what you're talking about-t!! The flustered cat threw the covers over his face, his tail fluffed and wagging faster. I'm not a dog tail stahp wagging!!

"Detective, are you going to shower or am I throwing you into the tub with your clothes on and a bar of soap." Gavin glared at the droid who took a step closer.

"WAIT NO- I hate water with a burning passion!!-" Nines had already scooped the detective up and plopped him onto the floor of the bathroom with a bar of soap and a towel.

"You're welcome now hurry up, you have work in two hours and it'll take us an hour to get there with traffic." Gavin thought of flipping Nines off but decided against it, sighed, and closed the door.

" ears......." Gavin blanked. That was the only thing he could think of right now. Nines's fluffy ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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I'm not an animal. A reed900 fanfic Faunus (animal) AUWhere stories live. Discover now