Masked Emotions

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Nines stepped back, Gavin's stress levels lowered, barely. "None...None of your business, tin can. Now piss off."

"Detective, I'm supposed to watch you at all times. As well as help you with your work." Gavin eye rolled as Nines walked over to the table and placed his hand on the table. His synthetic skin pulling away, revealing a beautiful white metal with blue veins running up and down his arm. Gavin's eyes widened at the sight, if it wasn't for him "hating androids, except for Chloe" he would have said "wow" or "cool".

Nines caught the detective staring and smirked. "Impressed, Detective?" Gavin darted his eyes back to the screened table. "N-No piss off."

They walked back to Gavin's desk Nines sat in the one next to his. About an hour later, Nines looked over at Gavin, who had his tongue out, focused on the information in front of him. You could tell he was focused, zoned into his work. Nines caught himself smiling at the man.

<Software Instablity>

He cleared the warning as a message popped up onto his screen.

Hello rK900. How's Gavin?

He's doing well Elijah. We're currently working on a case, if you want I could relay a message for you. Though I don't think he'd appreciate us breaking his focus.

No, no just checking in on him. Thank you though, I'll let you get back to work. Have a good day.

You too.

Nines looked at Gavin who looked like he was going to fall asleep. "Detective do you want some coffee?" Gavin looked up and over at Nines. "Hmm? Oh yeah sure... tin can." Nines gave Gavin a look before walking to the break room.

He grabbed a cup and poured some coffee in it. Tina had walked over to him and did the same. "I didn't know androids could drink."

Nines shook his head but smiled a bit. "Its for Gavin, he's tired despite being forced to sleep for two days. I can tell he rarely sleeps though..." Tina nods, "Yeah...He normally spends the night here trying to solve really hard cases. Once he stayed here for a week, only sleeping twice for three hours. Fowler ordered him to go home on the last day through. Made him take a two day break. He was pissed."

Nines chuckled, "I can imagine. I'll see you later." He smiled and walked back to Gavin's desk.

"Detective your coffee." Like a machine Gavin grabbed the coffee and drank half of it without taking his eyes off the screen. Nines looked at Gavin confused but shrugged it off. He got back to working. 

I'm not an animal. A reed900 fanfic Faunus (animal) AUWhere stories live. Discover now