Chapter 23

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Daddy slightly slaps my but as I walk away and I squeak.

"Hurry babygirl", he says.

"Yes, Daddy. Be right back."

I can't wait to know what's the surprise. I giggle and run into the bathroom.


Arrived in our bathroom I immediately see the cloth Daddy laid out. I shower quickly, brush my teeth, comb my hair and put on the outfit. It's cute and simple. I take a last glance at myself through the mirror and head back outside to Daddy. I twirl around, presenting my outfit. Daddy whistles at me and I blush. Daddy holds a small beige handbag in his hand.

"That's yours, Benny is already inside.", he tells me.

I don't understand it but take the bag from him.

"Thanks, Daddy."

"Your welcome, babygirl. Now come we have to go."

"Go where?"

"To the car, my love. I won't tell you more."

"Are we going to take a small trip like last week?", I ask

"It's a surprise, could be anything?"

"Oh.... Okay."

We make our way downstairs to the front door. Ella is waiting for us at the door holding a wird looking bag in her hands.

"Awww my sweet little Annabelle. You look lovely today.", Ella screams.

"Morning Ella. Thanks, Daddy picked it out. Are you coming with us?", I ask.

"Oh no, sweetheart. I just packed some snacks for you guys."

"Yeah, thanks again, Ella. You're the best."

"I know! Now go Ace, I have some girl talk to attend to.", Ella answers.

Ella gives the bag to Daddy, waving him goodbye. He then makes his way to the car outside the door leaving Ella and me alone.

"Alright, sweetie. I packed some special stuff for you. Don't be shy and try it out."

I look at her not knowing what she means. as I'm about to ask, she pushes me out the door towards Daddy.

"Go now lovebirds."

I get in the car with Daddy. He reaches over me and buckles me in.

"Ready to go?"

"Yes, Daddy."

Daddy starts the car and we drive away from the packhouse, through the woods onto a busy road. I turn to Daddy.


"Yes, babygirl"

"Hmm....Ella said she packed special stuff for me. What does she mean?"

Daddy chuckles, "She packed you some cute underwear, I guess. But don't you feel pressured."

"Okay, Daddy", I answer blushing like a tomato.

I take out Benny and play with him not looking where Daddy's driving us to. I'm way to busy playing with Benny.


"Babygirl, we've been driving for two hours now and all you did was drink your homemade strawberry smoothie. Please eat something. Ella packed you sandwiches, crackers and more please eat."

"Otay, Daddy.", I say as I reach into the bag and get out a sandwich.

"Oh, is there someone extra little today? Do you need help from Daddy? Should I pull over?"

"Wes, Daddy. I little, but no help."

"Okay, babygirl, but be careful, alright."

I nod and bite into my delicious sandwich. It's really yummy. After my sandwich I eat some crackers and some cut up vegetables.


It's been several hours now. We made many brakes to go to the toilet. I've been sleeping a lot and Daddy had always his hand on my tight or holding my hand.

"Babygirl, wake up."

"No, Daddy. five more minutes please."

"But then you don't get your surprise."

I abruptly open my eyes and unbuckle myself.

"What no! I want my surprise, please. I'm awake."

I jump out of the car towards Daddy. As I walk to Daddy. I notice our unfamiliar environment. I stop and look around. We're in front of a modern/tropical/rustically mansion. Everywhere are palm trees and plants I don't even know. It so pretty.

"Where are we exactly, Daddy?", I ask curiously.

"We, my love are at my vacation home at the beach... Surprise!"

I jump in his arms and scream happily.

"Thank you, Daddy!!! It's amazing. I can't believe it."

"I know, babygirl. Come let's go inside and begin our little vacation."

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