Chapter 3

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Where am I? 

Gwendoline open her eyes. She look around and found that she is now in a hospital. 

"You finally wake up! "Penelope stand up from the chair and quickly run towards with Madeline. "We really worried you! Gwen! "

 "What?" Gwendoline look at them silly.

"Are you alright, Gwen? "Madeline ask. 

"Who are you? "She frown her eyebrows.  Madeline and Penelope are shocked, look at each other. 

"You don't remember us? "Madeline ask to make sure about that. Gwendoline still look at them,doesn't answered. 

As soon as they are worried at her,Mr. Miller and Mrs. Miller are running inside and go towards her. 

"My dear Gwen! Thank god, you are safe! "Mr. Miller said it. 

"Had you hurt yourself? "Mrs. Miller ask worried. 

"... ..." Gwendoline doesn't answer them but just look at them confuses. She then look her hands in a shock face. 

"Is she alright? "Mr. Miller ask Madeline and Penelope. But they both shrug their  shoulder and put a face"I don't know".

"Nurse, is she had any problem? "Mr. Miller ask a nurse walk by. The nurse than explain that she is fine and don't have any problem. 

"Well, now she can go home and take a rest. "The nurse smile and look at Gwendoline. 

"But I think she is a bit weird. "Mrs. Miller said. "Do you know who we are? "

Gwendoline shake her head. "Who the hell are you? "They all shock and realise the she is now lost her memory. Mr. Miller then call the doctor nervously. 

After the doctor checked, he check out that maybe she had amnesia and they need to help her recover her memory patiently. 

"Well, um... In case, I don't think I had. I just don't know you all and I know who I am. My name is also start with G but not Gwen. And I... "Gwendoline start to explain with them,include doctor but it doesn't work .

"Well, I think, she need a rest. "Doctor said. Mr and Mrs Miller thank him and take her home. 

"Wait! But they are not my paren-"

"Gwendoline, we are your parents. "Mrs. Miller said. 

"Oh! Please! Let me explain! This really not me! Not my body! "Gwendoline saying loudly but then she stop explain as she know no one believe. 

 That is pretty weird! Why no one believe what I said ? Now who the fuck I am now? Gwen? I don't fucking know her! 

Just then, when she is thinking, Georgia and her friends walk by. 

"Good luck." Gwendoline look at Georgia, she then look away and whisper it.


"Georgia! Georgia! You awake! Finally!" Barbara and Ella are delighted when they saw Georgia awake. "We are sorry about last night! "

Georgia look around then look at them. She wake up instant from the bed and shout "You both again?!!"

"Ya, then? "Ella look at her confused. 

"I remember you both! "Georgia point at them. "You both drunk women push me and the weird looking woman down the bridge! "

"Weird looking woman? "Barbara and Ella said together. 

"Um, you mean the short hair, have freckles and olive skin tone woman? "Ella ask. 

"Yes! And where is she? "Georgia ask. 

"Well, that is you. "Barbara said. 

"I don't believe it. "Georgia said. Barbara then took out a pocket mirror to her. She take it and look herself on the mirror. She is shocked to see herself and fell the mirror on the bed. 

"Are you alright? Geo? Need to see the psychologist doctor? "Ella ask concerned. 

Georgia is confused. And soon, she runs to the way to washroom.

♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪Georgia shake her head and said"This isn't me." When she look herself in a mirror, she touch her face and look shock.

'It can't be! Why It becomes like that?!' Georgia look down, mad about it.

"Hey! Are you... The girl who save me?" A girl sound appear and shock Georgia. She turn around and noticed it is Gwendoline.

"OMG! Why I can" 

"Me too. I don't know what's going on." They figure about it. After a while, they look at each other and said together "Switch body?!"

"Oh crap! Why does it happen? How should we change back?"  Georgia confused.

Gwendoline is thinking about it calmly. Then she turn and said "All we need is to wait the change. What about we change our phone number? Maybe we can call each other when it comes."

"It sounds nice. " Georgia nod her head. When they decided to change the phone number, they notice they don't have phone by themselves.

"What about we memorise it?" Georgia said. Gwendoline nod her head and accept it.

"Ok, my phone number is 011-5xxxxxxx"

"011 and what?"

"It's 011-5......"


While they were at the way back home, Georgia look back when she feel like she heard a sound. But she don't see any person at the back.   'Georgia' look away and look at herself, think,' I am not comfort in this body'. 

Why you need to back to your real body, Gwendoline? Her head suddenly float up a thought. If you are now an adult, you don't need to face your homework and lots of tuition. Also, you don't need to face your annoying parents and exam! This is the best things you can stay. 

But my best friends, Madeline and Penelope... I need them! Do they know about it? And also, I want to see him more... 

'Georgia ' is confused about that, and finally she choose to keep walking and prefer to stay here. 

At least, I can make new friends and experience what I want it, right? Wind blow towards them gentle, She smile and keep walking the way home with those girls. 

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