Chapter 4

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The sun rise, sunlight lighted the dark room. A pink clock ringing loudly when it strike six o'clock in the morning. 

'What the fuck something interrupt me sleeping?!' 'Gwendoline' rub her bed hair and stop the clock ringing. She then lie on the bed and continue sleeping immediately. 

All of a sudden ,she wake up instant and say to herself "Oh!I forgot I am now a high school girl!"

While she was back to her home(actually is not her true home, but her body 's owner home?), her 'parents ' were told her all about herself. 

Now, she is Gwendoline Miller. A sixteen years old high school girl who is a top student in her class. She is study in Sirius High. She has best friend name Penelope Gomelez and Madeline Martinez.

She face the mirror, try to tie a side ponytail like usually. But she take too long for that and always end up a 'messy tail'. She sigh and give up, then just comb her hair tidy and change her school uniform. 

'Ha!Such a memories.' She finished wearing and thinking it. She suddenly flash back  her high school memories.That time she study with them,fascinating events that attend by school,even the moment she being scold by teacher...  ...

While she is memories those past, the knocking over the door interrupt her thought. "Gwendoline!  Get down and eat your breakfast!" Her 'mother' said loudly outside the door. 

"I will get down now! "She wearing her socks and answer her. She has being a long time does not had a busy time to wake up early, getting ready quickly and go out her room.


She go down the stairs and go to the dinning room. 'Gwendoline' simply take a bread from the western breakfast and leave. 

"Gwendoline dear,why you just don't eat it all?" Mr. Miller ask while he is wearing his shoes to go to work. "You must be starve! "

"I am almost late! Mr.... I mean, Fa.. Father! "She still not used to call a person that still don't really know well(perhaps is still stranger)calling them"father" or "mother".

"It's still early. You at least can drink the milk! "He look at the watch that strike six o'clock and fifteen minutes. 

"Is there something that you need to go early? "Mrs. Miller ask. She stop a while, and  then said"Oh,  I forget you lost your memories. "

"R M Nort. (I am not. )"She tie her shoes tie as quick as she can while she is saying. (She is biting her bread like a dog) When she finish it, she run quickly and wave her hand to say goodbye to them. 

"Should I need to drive you to school? "Mr. Miller ask her when she already run away from him at least 1 meter away. 'Gwendoline' shake her head and continue running to the way Sirius High. 

While she is running far away, she stop it and become to walk slowly. 'Finally, I am already at the destination. 'She smile when she arrive Sirius High. 

'Gwendoline' smile excitedly and look around the school. 'Everything is different after a few years... 'Her eyes are full of nostalgia when she look at those unknown students walk by, the buildings, those flower... Everything is different. 

"Hey! Gwendoline! "When she is concentrate explore, Madeline wave her hand highly and call her louder. 'Gwendoline' face and smile at them. 

"Wow! You look different today. "Madeline said. 'Gwendoline' smile "Thanks!"

"Do you feeling better? "Penelope ask her. 'Gwendoline' said "I am feeling better now. "(Honestly, she think she doesn't need to explain as she thinks they don't thrust her) 

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