Chapter 11

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It started raining. The thunder sounds is becoming more and  louder one by one.

'Georgia' and 'Gwendoline' are arrive on the bridge. "Ready?" 'Gwendoline' ask. "Ready!" 'Georgia' said.

They jump into the river when the the rain is becoming increasingly and  become thunderstorms.

They dive into it and never get up even it maybe will cost their lives. However,they don't care and think it is possible to change back.

If we can't, then we can try again and again. If it really take away our life, no... it isn't!

 If it really do, tell us we are fine, we can just live with accompany our love one happy in another world. 


"Wake up, dear. Wake up." A love, tender woman sound is waking her up.

"Dear, wake up! Please don't go!" A man sound frustrating appear in her ears.

" Please, wake up! Don't leave us!" Two teenage girls are shaking her up.

"Gwendoline!! Wake up! Are you alright?" A sounds like a teenage boy shout.

"Georgia! Please don't die for hesitate!!!" Two women sounds are shaking her up too and sounds like they are crying.

'What's going on? It is so noisy.' Gwendoline is open her eyes hardly. Georgia is also being distributed by their noise and open her eyes. They look around and saw everyone are happy with tears when they notice they wakes up.

Gwendoline and Georgia look at themselves and look up to see each other, saying happily "We are changing back!!!!" They scream delighted and give each other a high five.

"Gwen! You finally awake!!! We worry you so much!" Madeline and Penelope hug her.

"Gwen, why you so crazy to jump into the river again?!"  Her father, Mr. Miller said it with worries. 

"Is it anything we bother you? We are sorry for it." Mrs. Miller said.

"No, you won't." Gwendoline shake her head. "Is just my fault as I make a bad temper to you both. I am sorry for that." She then turn to hug her parents. Her parents hug her too with smile on their face.

"Oh, I really want to hug my papa and mama! "Ella is burst with tears as she touch to see this. Barbara is hugging her to concern her.

"Why you cry too?" Ella ask. "No! Just my eyes are... Have sand in my eyes!" Barbara said. Georgia chuckle and hug then both. "We can be a part of family too."

"Every people around the world is worried about you! What's going on with you both?" Daniel and Vail said it together.

"It became a big news in network!" Daniel show them the news about they jump into River in his phone. They all look surprise and worried about it.

Georgia and Gwendoline shrug their shoulder, and then laugh about it." Just a long story."

They still don't know how to explain about this incident. But at least they are live in a happily ever after.

                                     🎼--The End --🎼

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