Chapter 3

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Monday morning Gulf went to work, and his mood was just blue. It didn't help that it was a busy morning. He couldn't find time to sneak away to find Win. He assisted in a surgery that took 4 hours and before he knew it it was lunch. He couldn't eat lunch because another emergency patient came in and he had to prepare for surgery. He was lucky it ended sooner than expected as a professor was present. It didn't soothe his sour mood.

It was around 5.30pm, thirty mins before going home that he looked for Win. He asked Win to wait for him so they can go home together.

At 6.30pm Win and Gulf walked out of the hospital and went to their flat. Gulf invited Win to his room because he had alcohol. He couldn't talk sober.

After settling and two beer cans later, Gulf was there on his chair not knowing how to ask Win the questions he had swimming in his head.

"What is this about?" Win asked swirling his beer

"He said he is into BDSM"

"They both are." Win answered as he got another beer.

Gulf looked at how calm Win was. "You don't find it disturbing?"

"I had sex yesterday" Win stated.

"With chains and all that weird stuff?"

"With a whip, a vibrator and a sex thong to be detailed."

Gulf gulped all the beer left in his can in one go. "You don't find it, I don't know, wrong."

"What's wrong if it brings out pleasure and makes me cum at the end?"

"Sex shouldn't be done like that."

"Then like what?"

"I don't want to be tied, I don't want to be beaten and all that painful things."

"Then don't." Win raised his voice

"It's not easy like that." Gulf did the same.

"What's not easy? Just tell him you don't like being tied down."

"It's like rejecting him."

"Well if you don't like it then reject it." Win couldn't see any problem and he was getting frustrated.

"Why is everything easy with you?"

"It's either black or white. There's no gray."

"It's always gray for me. I don't have plain white or plain black."

"So, you didn't have sex yesterday?"

Gulf shook his head. "I can't have sex like that." He stood his ground.

They took a moment of silence as they calmed down. Win hesitated but asked, "Do you have a sex fetish?"

"I just prefer to have sex with no additionals. It feels more intimate that way."

Win looked at Gulf and contemplated his next words. He had to be careful.

"Do you have a past or history of some sort?"

"No." Gulf looked down. "None."

"Then why?"

"I just thought being gay was all I needed. It took me four years to accept my feeling for him and now I must accept his lifestyle and be part of it? It's just cruel and selfish of him."

"So, you're opposed to his lifestyle?"

"Yes." Gulf was fir about it. There was no doubt whatsoever. 

"I don't know how to help you but let me tell you one thing, don't knock it until you try it. I'm meeting p'Bright this evening he said we had something to discuss. I'll let you know if I see P'Mew."

Gulf nodded. He hoped Mew would come to his place. He fell asleep waiting.

When Win got to the Bright's house, he was feeling excited. He hoped today they would do it again. Bright dampened his mood when he didn't lead him to the bedroom right away.

"Ok I was supposed to do this yesterday but I definitely have to do it today."

"Do what?" Win asked settling on the couch in the living room.

"We have to talk about this in detail"

"Can't we talk about it some other day?"

"No today." Bright insisted.

"I want more sex today."

"No." Bright bit his teeth. It was not time for punishment yet. He had to control himself.

Win started sulking on the couch.

Bright turned the tv on and selected a movie on Netflix so they could eat dinner and watch. The movie was Fifty Shades of freed.

"I've watched this before." 

"Let's watch it again."

He brought them food and they ate. He got them water and after their dinner and their movie, Bright started,

"So how was it yesterday? Did you like it?"

"I loved it."

"Ok so now I'm going to tell you in detail what this is about.  Please pay attention and let me know if you have any questions."

AN: Please Checkout A Web of Confusion.

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