Chapter 4

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"The BDSM world is not all about sex, it's about a sub yielding to the Dom. They give up all the power and control of their lives to their Dom. This does only apply to the bedroom but also outside. Some Doms would prefer to dress you everyday, feed you and literally control everything you do.

Don't be intimidated by it all, the sub has the utmost power in this relationship. The sub can choose what part of their lives they would want the dom to control. They choose when they want it to start and end. Of course, consent is needed from both parties. You can choose to only have sexual relations with a Dom meaning he or she can have power in the bedroom or only when you're doing a scene.

It's a world of trust. You trust each other 100% that when the Dom says fall you, fall without a question or doubt knowing he'll be there to catch you. The Dom and the sub can decide on what they prefer to call each other in my case I like to be called sir and I'll call my sub pet.

The dom has your best interest at heart and is there to sorely please you, bring you peace and comfort. You are relieved of responsibilities when you have a dom because they literally take care of every aspect of your life.

There are things called sessions or scenes. This is when there is a practice of anything BDSM related between the dom ad the sub. That is anything that comes close to BDSM.

There are safe words that you can use during a scene. You can choose basic colors like red for stop- this is when you can't take it anymore, when you've reached your limit and want to give up. Yellow for slow down and this is when you feel like you are nearing your limit or when a scene is intense for you. It is a BDSM law that you let the Dom know your colors so that there is no misunderstanding when you want them to stop or slow down.

There is something called punishment that can fall in different categories namely humiliation, restraint and pain. There is little to no scolding in this culture because the assumption is you know what your dom wants and vice versa. There are chances although it depends on the Dom. I can give you three chances and if you go over them then that's a punishment.

You should also be informed that a sub is not obliged to do everything that a dom wants. A sub is allowed to have dos and donts. You tell me your no-nos; something that you can never do and your maybes something that you might be willing to try. This brings me to my next point.

You have to sign a contract to show evidence that you both consent to the relationship going on between the sub and the Dom. The contract should be as detailed as possible. Outlining all the things both parties are willing to do and try."

Win had been listening attentively suddenly lifted his head when he heard about a contract.

"Do you have any questions?" Bright gave a half smile to Win who sat there writhing his hands nervously.

"About signing a it really necessary?" The word contract did not sit well with Win. It made everything seem not real.

"Yes, it is. Imagine being in public and I inflict pain as punishment because you're not obeying, if the police comes and arrest me I have to able to prove that you gave me power to do that to you."

Win nodded in understanding, pouting his lips in dissatisfaction. "I just don't like that it gives us an expiration date."

"Both parties can decide to renew their contracts and both parties are free to move on. No one is obliged to stay in the relationship and if both parties want to go on with the relationship they can renew their contracts.

Usually, the order is that a DomSub relationship comes first and then move on to a romantic relationship. However, our case is different, we started as lovers and we are going to be dom and sub if you permit it. And even if it is like that, we still need a contract."

"So does that mean I'll stop being your boyfriend and be your toy?"

"I wouldn't use that term although some other Doms prefer it that way. And no, we'll not separate the two although it can be separated. We can have normal lives as boyfriends and if you're not comfortable with the BDSM culture, I can get a sub."

Win almost sprang up from his seat, "That's cheating." 

"Again, it's something that people in a relationship can discuss and come to a conclusion on. If you can't offer me it then I'll just go and get it else where."

"That's not fair." Win was not having it. The thought of Bright having another person besides him freaked him out.

"That's like being told not to be gay" Bright softly said

"That's impossible."

"Exactly, because this BDSM  lifestyle is part of who I am."

Win's mind was running wild. "by chance, were you getting sex elsewhere because I couldn't give it to you?"

"No. Then that would've been cheating."

Win sighed. That was a lot of confusing information bestowed upon him.

"I'll give you a week to think about everything. I'll give you a contract too, read it carefully then tell me what your decision is after thinking. You can also go on to look it up and research further. Consider what you're willing to try and what you are not comfortable with. Just don't base your conclusion on the internet videos and stuff like that. There are extreme BDSM practices which are really not my type, and these are the videos and information clouding the internet. I'm more into soft core BDSM which is lighter and not that dark."

"So, to put it plainly, you don't like plain sex?"

"It's too typical for me. It doesn't excite me at all. Ever since I found myself, I just can't go back to that."

"I understand. Is P'Mew also like that?" Win bit his lips in thought.

"Why..." Bright got distracted by Win's mouth, "...why do you ask?"

Win remembered the conversation he had with Gulf. "Because Gulf won't be able to take all this in."

Bright slid to sit next to Win staring at his lips "He needs time and an explanation like one that I gave you. He'll understand I'm sure."

"Why are you sure?" Win looked at Bright and his eyes widened caught off guard by how close he suddenly was.

"He turned gay for Mew and that was the most difficult part of it all." Win nodded although his head was full of doubts. "I hope the best for them." Was the conclusion to this heavy conversation.

"Me too. Would you like me to escort you home?" Bright asked as he looked at the time.

"May I sleep over?" Win adorably looked at his boyfriend and Bright caressed his cute cheeks.

He smiled, in love, and said, "No you may not. I need to give you space, so I won't cloud your judgment. I need to be out of the way and let you think critically about this. So, taxi or would you like me to get you home?"

"Taxi please. You are tired and I would like you to rest."

Bright fell in love every time Win did this. "Thank you Nong."

He took out his phone and called a taxi.

They hung out until Win's taxi arrived and he went home with a feeling he couldn't describe.

Was he feeling happy?

Was he feeling content?

He smiled.

He was feeling all the above and more.

He was feeling in love!

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