Chapter 9

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They looked at Gulf as he walked away and Mild's heart broke. He looked at Win with eyes full of accusations. "Why are you like this though?" He asked unpleased by Win's behavior.

"You think I'm doing it just because? He needs it. He needs to see it."

"See what?"

"That he could lose him. If he won't accept Mew, then he is going to lose him."

Mild shook his head, "I don't think so."

"Why do you say so?"

"because Gulf is not the one choosing, P'Mew is."

"What if he won't choose Gulf?" Win questioned.

Mild remembered what happened yesterday. Anyone in the situation that Mew was in could have lost themselves, but Mew didn't. He knew then that Mew loved Gulf. So much.

"We'll have to wait and see."

"So, do you want to go to the club?" Win asked out of the blue as if they hadn't been arguing.

Mild looked at him as if he was crazy. "It's lunch time and you want to go clubbing?"

"Who says we can't?"

"I'm not doing this with you" Mild got ready to leave.

"I feel like clubbing. Come with me."

Mild thought he was joking but Win got up and hailed a taxi. A taxi stopped and Win got in. Mild followed him and they went to the club. When they got there, Mild got a normal sub bracelet and was surprised when Win did too. He was too drunk to think straight. The club was half full and people were coming and going.

"Give me a tour. I would like to see everything. Let's start with the bar." Win went to the bar and bought himself more alcohol. Mild was not sure why Win was drinking like this. It started out as a joke when Win drank before meeting Gulf but now, he wouldn't stop.

Mild looked at Win and shrugged. He took him to the dance floor and then showed him the toilets. There was a hallway just after the toilets. They went inside and it looked like jail cells.

"What is this place?" Win asked as he looked inside the cells. They were decorated like Bright's black room although there were no beds. Just seeing everything made Win excited.

"These are called dungeons. They are for Doms who wish to do a scene with a sub they find in the club or vice versa. There isn't much privacy in there. They turned again and came to another hallway which looked like a hotel hallway, with doors closed.

"These are for Doms who wants privacy and have no membership with the club. They pay per hour to use these private rooms. Quite expensive."

They went to the upper floor and Win remembered the VIP's lounge from last time. They tried to go to the VVIP hallway, but the screen door was locked. As they were turning to go in another hall, Mama B came out of the VVIP and was relieved to see Mild.

"A word," he called out and Mild turned to Win and told him to wait for him. He went with Mama B leaving Win there drunk out of his mind. Win saw a hallway and went in without thinking. The doors were like the hallway on the ground floor. He opened one door curiously and was roughly pulled inside. The door closed and locked. Mild came in five minutes later and tried to open the same door but it was locked. He called Mama B and let her know that the door is locked.

It only meant one thing.

The Dom inside had found a sub already.

Mama B told him not to bother and he went away. He looked for Win, but he was nowhere to be found. He went and sat down in the bar on the ground floor, but he was curious about the Dom who wanted him, so he went back an hour later. He tried to open the door again. The door opened, and Win stumbled out from the room, disheveled...

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