percabeth part 2

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Annabeth's pov

Shortly after the 7 got here, we ate pizza and then they helped us film the video. Piper and Hazel were going to give us the questions and Leo was going to film. The rest of the seven sat on the couches watching us because apparently it was entertaining.

Leo grabbed the camera and started recording. Percy filmed the intro and he brought me into the frame.
"Wise girl, introduce yourself." Percy said with baby seal eyes. "Hi, I'm Annabeth." I smiled. This was probably going to take a while. "We have our friends Piper, Hazel, and Leo behind the camera, they're going to be asking the questions that you guys sent in." Percy said.

Piper: first question guys! This question is from percyjacksonforever123 'Do you have pet names for each other?'

"Yes we do! I call Percy seaweed brain!"
"and I call Annabeth wise girl."

Hazel: this question is from fangirly03 'when was your first kiss?'

"Wise Girl first kissed me when I was about to die, but on my 16th birthday, we had our first real kiss."

Piper: the next question is from lilygreene47 'when did you start dating?'

"we started dating on percy's 16th birthday, I gave him a cupcake and then the entire camp threw us in the lake." I laughed.

Hazel: this question is from polkadot1 'what is your bf/gf's favourite colour?'

"Annabeth's favourite colour is grey,"
"and Percy's favourite colour is blue."

Leo: I want to ask a question!! Have you two f-

"Thats enough Leo. Thanks for watching guys!"


stay tuned for part 3 sometime..

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