Insanity Credits

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I would like everyone to know exactly where this book came from. this book was made up in the mind of a very good friend of mine. She's got a creative mind that I want to keep for myself. With her permission, i have started to branch of on this idea of hers. I am making sure though that she is known for her idea. If you'd like to thank her with a fan, then plesae go and see her! This story of Insane, Passionate Love has come from the mind of Kiss22. Her profile is in the external link and this is also dedicated to her. Please remember that I am only writing the story that she came up with. She knows about it, because well... A lot of my ideas are always influenced with hers as well. 

So this is my thanks to her. The Reaper's Keeper was also influenced with her ideas. She helped me with all my stories. She's the one that keeps me off of that cliche road. Thank you Brittany for helping me out, because let's face it... If it wasn't for you then nothing would have happened. Thank you, Love you.

Insanity © Lynn Falcon 2013Where stories live. Discover now