Back In Time (Rogers/Barnes)

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Stucky X Reader

Warnings: multiple parts


Steve and Bucky were strolling down the streets of New York enjoying their date, their hands intertwined as they navigated the busy streets.

They had been walking and occasionally talking or pointing out things that looked cool or were interesting that they hadn't seen before. Bucky nudged his boyfriend and pointed to something. Steve's eyes followed to see what Buck was trying to show him and he rested them on a woman.

"She looks like she stepped straight out of the forties" Bucky said, Steve nodded his mouth slightly agape as he was completely captivated by the woman.

(Y/N) continued down the street dressed in her simple cream dress with small grey flowers on it. The dress was cinched in at the waist and flared out ever so slightly at the bottom. It had short sleeves that came down just below the shoulder and length wise it rested just below her knees. Buttons ran up the front of it to the neckline. It was quite a modest dress, a great vintage find (Y/N) had thrifted. She had paired it with a pair of plain cream heels and a matching bag. Of course she had curled her hair slightly to match the theme she was going for and she had done her makeup in the style.

Vintage things were (Y/N)s favourite, she found anything from clothes to old radios absolutely captivating. This led to her owning clothes from many different eras. Today she'd gone for a 1940s theme.

She had headphones in her ears as she listened to old music while walking to central park.

The two men who were completely captivated by her unknowingly followed her all the way to the park, where she now rested on a bench humming sweetly along to Put Your Head on my Shoulder by Paul Anka 1960 something.

She looked up and noticed the two men who were holding hands, they made a cute couple. The two of them approached (Y/N) and smiled at her. She smiled back and slipped one of her headphones out.

"Hey, we uh just wanted to say you look lovely ma'am" the brunette spoke. Her smile grew wider at the compliment, (Y/N) tended to attract a lot of wondering eyes with her style being so different, but not many stopped to compliment her.

"So chivalry's not dead. Thank you very much sir" she joked causing the blonde one to laugh. The two men sat down next to her as she continued to hum to the song, a few lyrics slipping out every now and then. She caught the two men looking at her once again. She pulled one headphone from her ear.

"Would you like to listen to it with me?" She asked pointing towards her phone in reference to the music. The two men nodded eagerly. (Y/N) pulled her headphones out of the phone and turned the music up.

Both of the men liked the song although they'd never heard it before seeing as it was from a time period in which they had missed.

At some point one of them had invited her to dance, so there she was in central park, scooped up in the arms of a rather handsome brunette, swaying to the music. He spun her round and into the arms of the other man. The three of them spent what felt like forever swapping dance partners and humming along to the music.

(Y/N) eventually reached the start of the playlist again and danced once more to put your head on my shoulder, the two men had caught onto the tune now and some of the lyrics meaning she wasn't the only one humming along.

"Put your head on my shoulder" (Y/N) sang softly as the song ended, separating herself from the blonde. "Hey I don't know if you two would be interested but there's a party tomorrow, sorta a underground vintage club. It's not completely legal but it's really fun! If that's something you two would be interested in you can tag along" she smiled at the two of them, they looked slightly unsure. "How about I give you my number and then you can text me if you want to come"

"Yeah that sounds good" the brunette said, she took his hand in hers and scribbled her phone number on it.

"There, text me okay" she said walking off.

"What was her name?" Steve said turning to Bucky who just shrugged.


It had been a few hours since the park and (Y/N) was cooking lunch. The whole experience had put her in such a good mood. The soft sound of music filled the apartment as she swayed to the beat. Her phone pinged and she moved to check who it was.


hey it's me, Bucky from the park.

Hey :)

Me and Steve would love to go to that party

it's all vintage themed you'll love it!
You'll need to get some clothes though
I can take you shopping if you want
I know some great thrift shops

When are you free?

Right now
(An address in New York)

On our way

(Y/N) had just finished eating lunch when there was a knock at the door. She pulled it open to reveal the two men from the park.

"Hey doll" the brunette said, she wasn't completely sure who was who yet. She pointed at him.

"Your Bucky right and your boyfriend's Steve or is it the other way round?" She asked hazarding a guess.

"Yeah I'm Steve" the blonde one said offering a hand for her to shake, which she did with much enthusiasm even though they'd already met.

"My name's (Y/N)" she chuckled "I normally don't forget to tell people that when I meet them. Shall we?" (Y/N) asked grabbing her keys of the side and stepping into the hallway. She locked the door and headed down the stairs to the carpark under her apartment building. Her car stuck out like a sore thumb. It was a (F/C) 1995 Cadillac Eldorado. The two men gaped at it as she hopped in.
"This baby cost more then my apartment" she laughed. The two of them just stood there in shock "well get in then" she laughed once more, the two of them did as told.

The trio spent the rest of the day shopping and then headed back to (Y/N)'s house to eat dinner. The two of them loved the way her home looked with all its vintage decor. They really loved how she always had music playing or was humming a song. It was late and they were on their way out.

"Meet me here tomorrow at six fifteen, I'll take you to the club" she instructed.

"Okay, thank you (Y/N). Today has been great" Steve smiled at her.

"Tomorrow will be better Stevie" she smiled, they loved her smile.

"Thank you doll" Bucky said giving her a quick peck on the cheek causing her to blush slightly. Steve then did the same and she was now a tomato. Bucky chuckled at her redness. "Goodnight (Y/N)" he said. The two of them walked away waving as they headed down the hallway. She shut her door, locked it and headed to bed.

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