C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ ͓̽7͓̽

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"Another 60 million men went missing in the last week. Adding to the total of 66.6 of missing men." The news reporter said as she pointed at all of the missing posters. My heart raced as I sat on the couch. This was all Joy and Yeri's doing, and it was my fault that I let them.

"Haha. 66.6. Ya get it Yeri!?" Joy laughed as Yeri munched on some frozen diced meat. "Are you killing these men?" I asked. They nodded proudly as I got up from the couch and exhaled. "Why would you murder so many men?!" I screamed, terrified. They're going to kill more men... And one of them might be my father. He's probably dead right now, I haven't seen him since his business trip. "Calm down Y/N. At least you're not the one that's dying." Joy said in defense.

"S/N!!!" I yelled as I ran upstairs. "I need the coin now-" Joy hummed as she teleported next to me and walked into S/N's room. "It's not what it looks like." S/N fixed her hair and got up. "Oh my! Let's have a threesome girls." Joy clapped her hands with excitement and sat next to Quinn. She barely lifted the hem of her crop top before Quinn slapped her hand off. "Anyways, what do you need?" S/N said. "I need the coin!" I cried desperately as Yeri and Joy teleported around the room and played patty cake behind me. "Ok. I'll go get it." S/N mumbled as she rummaged through her closet. "Why are you so calm?!" I asked. I was frustrated, nobody in this household cared about millions of men dying per minute. "I used a spell that calms people no matter what circumstance." Joy said, her grin was so smug I wanted to slap it off of her fake face.

"I can't find it..." S/N panicked as she tossed her belongings everywhere. "I can find it." Joy added as she looked through some spell books. "Please do-" "But I won't." She grinned at me. I clench my fist in anger. I'm about to beat this bitch up.

"Wasn't one of the rules on the contract was to obey my requests!?" I yelled. "Yeah, but finding the coin to end this contract is against the rules." She smirked in victory as she materialized the contract and handed it to me. "You son of a bitch!" I shouted and threw the contract at Joy, but the girl wasn't there anymore.

"We need to get rid of her immediately S/N. She's killing innocent men and using it for her own power." I explained to the couple as they read the contract. "Well no shit Sherlock. It's either she ends the contract or the coin does." Quinn sweats bullets as we look around S/N's room, having no luck finding the very much needed coin.


"Create a disease? That's a interesting idea." I looked at Yeri while sipping on a fresh piña colada, checking out the passing women walking on the sand. "It's the best idea to mass kill men quickly. They will be forced to die and their life source will be collected in your factory." I gasped and sprung up from the beach chair, "Or I can make them go to a certain spot on earth and when they all come, I will blow a kiss that will kill millions. Maybe even a billion or two!" I clapped excitedly at the idea.

Loud thunder came from the sky as the ground rumbled. I received a call from dad and picked up. "What is so urgent to make you call me!? I'm on the beach with Yeri!" "Come to the middle ground immediately." I groaned as Yeri took off her shades and listened. "I cannot do that. Contract says I must stay with Y/N on earth and hell only, not the middle ground." I said, as the current contract burnt into flames, leaving ashes in my bikini. A thick rolled packet erupted from the sand, creating a massive hole as I picked it up. "Here. I adjusted rule 1, Earth, Hell and Middle ground on the contract. Now you must come, bring Yeri with you too." He hanged up. I looked at the confused sister. "You go to the middle ground first. I have to pick up Y/N."


"Joy. Why are you here again?" Y/N asked as I knocked on the car window. "We have to go. My father is asking for me and I have to bring you with me."

"Then I have to drop off Joohyun first." she started the engine, not even bothering to look at me. "Oh? She likes you enough for you to call her Joohyun? Anyways, she can drive herself let's go!" I pried the door open and pulled Y/N out of the drivers seat. "I'll order Irene a driver." Before leaving to the middle ground, I looked at Irene, reading her scrambling thoughts.

Why is Joy so needy right now? We were in the middle of our date... And why in the hell is she wearing a bikini in the parking lot?

Does she have something to do with Y/N? Maybe it's how she gets the money for her new cars all the time.


"What is this?" Y/N asked confused. "The middle ground, Right in the middle of Hell and Heaven. Where we do business exchanges with Heaven and sometimes have wars." I explained as we walked toward my dad.

"Father. What do you need me for?" The tall, red man turned around. "God needs to speak with you. But first, please change your attire. I don't want you to talk after you just had a suntan in a bikini." I rolled my eyes and groaned. "So I wasted my time just for a simple conversation?" I clapped my hands and my bikini turned into tight latex pants and a red cheetah top. "Is this the human you've recently signed a contract with?" Dad asked. I nodded, "Y/N meet my dad, dad meet Y/N." I introduced. Y/N nervously giggled, she saw Satan for the first time and now she's about to see God. What a lucky girl.

I impatiently tapped my feet on the burning sand. "How long is he going to take?! I don't have all day." I grumble. God arrived eventually, traveling on the cool clouds. We face eye to eye at each other. "What do you want from me?" I glared at the blue eyed man. "You kidnapped my angels." He said calmly. Such a boring man. I hate trying to get an reaction out of him.

I ridiculed him. "They tried to kill me, why wouldn't I?" I teleported the two angels here and held them up like little rats. "They're fallen angels now. Do you dare to salvage what they used to be?" I shoved them to the ground and stood on their heads as the man didn't reply. God himself wasn't going to take in ruined angels. He only wants perfect. And nobody's perfect. Hell is just a disposal for sinned people with imperfections.

"Tell me Joy. Why you decide to take billion of men's souls again? Especially in this situation." God frowned. "Same thing I did thousands of years ago. Power, youth, beauty." I held my head up in arrogance. "You can't stop the process now. You know, we're almost the same level in power if not the same." I handed him a contract Y/N and I signed.

"So you decide to kill the human beings I created?" He held his fist in anger and ripped the paper. I grinned and materialized the contract out of thin air again. Finally. Anger, just what I want to see. Especially from God himself. "Men specifically." I sneered as an army of angels lined up. "Hmm." I looked around. "Have you noticed that each second, less and less angels go to heaven? I've noticed the opposite when it comes to my factory. It keeps on overloading with souls." I giggled and kicked the two fallen angels over to God. "You really sent the weakest angels to kill me, pitiful. A sin I must say. I'll keep on coming back though." I whimpered, mocking the man.

"I can't wait to overthrow you, rule heaven and hell and make you work under me."

"I hope you're one of those people who like torture." I spat at the man's sandals, burning the leather.

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