Destructive Distallation

99 15 7

Maybe if I write it down 

I won't drown

Describe my feelings into a horrible metaphorical statement

And hide in my god damn basement



Pretend to not feel 

Maybe it's not real

This fight is so frequent 

It comes in sequence 

My little not so curable secret 

Needs some disagreeable treatment

How long

Can I play along

Before it crawls out of my skin

And shows my within

Uh oh,

Here we go

With every glance 

It starts to advance

I can't fight it for much longer

The feelings are growing stronger 

My subconscious

Is becoming honest

My imagination 

is destructive distillation 

I'm finally going out of my mind

How well timed...


Yay! Beat some writers block with a horrible poem! 


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