What If...**

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What if I told you

Nothing you did could stop it

Could stop that disease

From entering through your eyes

Causing you too see things from behind 

And invites itself to invade your mind

Destroying your kind

Entering your blood stream

And covering your heart

Ripping it apart

And makes it's way into your lungs

Making you choke on every breathe you take

And fighting for a breathe of fresh air

Is hysterically meaningless

Because everything was intoxicated

By the scent of despair

And what if I told you

That no matter how many tears

You cry

No one will hear

Because nobody cares

But I

And what if I told you

That I'm laying here staring at my ceiling

with my hands by my sides

Only moving them

To push away the only thing

Separating death from I

And can you even hear me when I scream?

What if I told you

That it I spent my day at the edge of my bed

Hoping that whatever was hiding beneath there

Was less scary than my head

And that the only thing I find that comforts me

Is knowing you're reading this

Shaking your head

Because you know you don't want to be dead

And what if I told you

It Doesn't matter

It doesn't matter

It doesn't matter

It doesn't matter.

Because I can only see myself tonight

Forgive me

For every promise I break tonight.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

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