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Sometimes my mouth craves your name

When someone says something 

You said the same

.And sometimes my ears

Crave your medoly

You call your voice

Everytime I close my eyes

Remembering how you laughed

I swear I start to float.

Remembering how we used to fight

Until the end of the night

When we realized it was useless

Because how we felt 

Every time our voices collide

And sometimes my eyes

Crave your lies

Because I know your real beauty

Lies inside

And all our inside jokes

And we how we laughed everytime

Each other spoke

And every time I could feel you smile

And I can only remember how it drove me wild

And sometimes I crave...

For you to be here

And for you to be near.

And sometimes my craves

Crave your way

But I know things

Will never be the same

So I ask you for one last thing



Don't ever forget my name...


Figuring out where to pause is key in this, so I put periods where you should pause. Thanks for reading :P


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