The Hidden 'Subconscious's Skeleton Key'

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My head likes to play games with me

It hides my subcouncious's skeleton key 

It laughs at me every time I look at something

It's becoming so disgusting 

It tells me I feel one way

But it's just a leading me astray 

From the second I wake up

It's a constant measuring cup

Constantly confused with an overwhelming amount of feelings

I'll climb to the ceiling

And play games with the fan

So I can feel less than

The weight in the my worries

Make me feel hurried

I'm crushing under the weight

What did my parents create?

I need more help then I could ever explain

It's becoming a brain drain

But I can never admit

The secret words inside my spit

So I'll hide behind fabricated practices 

And become one of the averages.

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