Ch.1: My Father... The Werewolf

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Ch.1: My Father... The Werewolf


I smiled as the drop of water did little infinity signs around my fingers.

"Brooke, come in side, it's dinner time!!!" My mother chirped. I turned around and saw her hovering by the door.

Now before you go all 'da f*ck' I'm a Naiad, or water nymph, and my mom's a cloud nymph. And yes, nymphs can be born, not created.

"Coming mother!" I got out of the lake, and ran inside.

Also, a naiad can get out of visible water, because air actually has water particles, allowing me to get in and out of water.

"Where's Hunter?" I asked. Hunter's my brother, he's a cloud nymph, very rare to have male nymphs, but not impossible.

"Boo!" I felt Hunter's fingers dig into my sides.

"HUNTER!!!" I splashed some water on him.


"You started it!"

"Kids!" Mother smiled as Grace and Ash clomped in, with Ray following behind.

Grace, Ash, and Ray are all satyrs, or fauns, your choice. And yes, female satyrs/ fauns exists, and yes a nymph should/ can marry a satyr/faun.

I saw Hunter hover besides me.

"Brooke, Hunter, go upstairs, I need to speak with you both." Mother said, pointing up stairs.

"Yes mother," we said, me running up the stairs, and Hunter floating close by. Hunter jumped on my water bed.

"Wee!!!!" I jumped on the bed, landing on top of Hunter.

"Hey!" He complained.

"I weigh as much as water, so suck it up," I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Very mature Brooke,"

I laughed a bit. "I'm bored," I controlled the tiny water particles that made up my body, and changed my form to one of a mermaid.

"I hate when you do that," he mumbled.

"Hahaha," I said sarcastically, turning the tail back to a pair of legs.

"Hunter, Brooke," mother walked in.

"Hi," we said.

She smiled, "Ok, I have some news to tell you,"

We nodded, noticing the seriousness in her voice.

"Ok, Rayisn'tyourbirthfather," she rushed.

"Ooookkkkkaaaaayyyyyy," I said. It wasn't really a surprise, Hunter and I don't look anything like Ray, while Grace and Ash look like both mother and Ray.

She sighed. "Your father was actually a werewolf"

"Sooo, my father the werewolf...." I interrupted her.

She glared at me.

"Sorry, continue,"

"As I was saying, he was a werewolf, and he thought we were meant to be mates, but we weren't. His mate died before he meet her, but he didn't break because of it.

"He's the alpha of the California Storm pack." She smiled sadly. "I had told him that you will stay with him and his pack for a year, but they think that I'm a siren, and that you, Brooke, are a mermaid, while Hunter is a werewolf who can control some of the elements."

I nod, Hunter looking a bit excited.

"Go start packing, and come downstairs, I have some news for all of you. Grace, and Ash think you're going to stay with Aunt Dew, but Ray knows you're staying with your father." She said, walking down the stairs.

Once she left, we started packing.

"You know, that means you should try to stay solid more than usual." I said as I put some shorts in my suit case.

"Yeah," he responded, making his air light body more or less solid.

We were pretty much look 90% the same, but Hunter has black hair and tan skin, which can turn to cloud if he gets supper emotional. I had the darkest blue hair and tan skin with a blue hue that I can turn to water whenever I wish. We both had blue eyes that turned green if we were happy, sad, or any emotions, and black when we got angry. But the thing was, when we got, like trying to kill someone angry, they turned silver. Hunter was a year older than me, so he was protective of me.

"And you now have to look like a mermaid whenever you touch water, well visible water," he said back.

"Yup," and with that, we both walked downstairs.


"WE'RE MOVING!!!!" Mother squealed.

I was officially shocked.

"Cool!!!" Ash gaped. He was only 11, and so was Grace, they were twins. As for me, I was 15 and Hunter was 16.

"Oh, Brooke, Hunter, I'm dropping you off at Dew's house tomorrow." Mother said.

"Oh, okay...." I stutter.

"Well, diner time," Hunter sighed.


Sooooo, yeah, same as 'My Crush The Alien'
In other words, I'm going to try to keep a straight face while writing this.

Pic of Hunter

Until next time 😊😊😊

Werewolf and the Mermaid, no, sorry, Naiad.Where stories live. Discover now