chap. 6: The Rock

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It is six thirty in the morning in Guarly and Emily is at the bus stop, waiting for the next one to take her to the vicinity of her school, when she arrives she goes up wearing headphones and focusing completely on her cell phone, without looking where she is going the girl sits in the last row next to a subject who is sleeping like a log.

After enough time, the girl looks at the time on her mobile and sees that her descent is approaching, rings the bell, warning the driver and unknowingly waking up her mysterious companion who suddenly wakes up saying curse words. The girl avoids making eye contact while thinking "how rude" but when getting off the bus inadvertently she hits her seatmate with her backpack, to which she turns quickly while getting down, finally seeing his face and his clothes being his hero who completely ignores her, and before she could even say anything the bus continued on its way.

He spent a long day at school regretting not having talked to that guy, he also laughed at how the boy with whom he had suffered an accident yesterday was chased around the school by hundreds of journalists. When he left again he ran to the bus stop since he had the slight hope that if he went to the last bus stop he could meet his protector, although it was not a good plan since when he saw each stop he felt that someone like the damned that I try to abuse her could be there, I arrive at the last in the afternoon, which was in the forest, where with great fear and decision at the same time I go down, entering it.

After walking what for the girl were millions of kilometers, she came to a clearing where the only thing there was was a huge rock, and she sat down next to it. Her breathing was agitated and she was very tired, as if to realize the danger she was running there since a wild animal could attack her, she hears a very different sound between her breathing, panicking, she takes her backpack as if to protect herself, each time the The sound gets louder and lower, until an idea enters the girl's head and says "Snoring?" looking up at the top of the rock where you can clearly see the toe of a black and white sneaker.

With great care Emily begins her way to the top of that rock, since it took a long time to get close to the top, being one centimeter from the tip of the shoe, she is surprised by the person who was her hero who right now he would surprise her so abruptly by saying "I was a slow child" causing her to fall crashing entirely against the hard ground. By opening her eyes a little, she would see that the man would be pointing a sword at her asking "What are you doing here alone? Perhaps ... Do you want to be raped again?" to which the very angry girl replied "no of course not!" Looking at each other very angry, the girl would quickly remember that she has something in her backpack, which she would look for and take out saying to the man "Here and thank you so much for saving me yesterday".

The man would only take the blanket, put it away and with sword in hand he would leave without saying anything, but before leaving the girl would call him saying "wait, I want to know, how did you do what happened yesterday?" to which he would turn around taking off his hood he would say "I'm only well trained" making the girl plead with him with the most tender eyes a woman can use "wait last ... Could you teach me to fight like you? Just I will use it to defend myself "the man would look at her with great severity and with a strong voice he would say" Not even Drugged would train you ", the girl would feel how sadness invaded her, starting her eyes to lubricate, with just a tear she would beg the man who I was already entering the depths of the forest again "please I don't want to suffer yesterday again, normally I am always weak, everyone abuses me ... but when that monster touched me I felt that I did not have enough strength to deserve to be alive, and if ... if ... if there were if I wouldn't be here today for you! " The man just stopped, put his sword, dropped his backpack, jumped to the top of the rock where he sat, with a strong and wise voice he said "if you want to be my apprentice you must move this rock there" taking a branch, throwing it and nailing it in the place where the girl should go, after hearing and seeing how far she should go, claim "it's impossible no one could do that" for when he finished speaking he under the rock with a blow with the palm of his hand would move the rock to where he said to the girl "well, as you can see, it's not impossible, now to work if you want to be trained you must move that. Good luck!" with a complete lunatic face he would finish the sentence.

_Continues in chapter 19 ..._

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