chap. 28: Flexibility

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Alexa, after talking to her teacher, has managed to return to her training, we are located in the river near the hill, where she is swinging from branch to branch of trees on the flow, with Jayden watching her while she eats a peach, almost about to getting to where his teacher slept the previous time, when he took the last branch he could not hold on properly falling into the water, to get drenched from there he listens to Jayden say "mm, start again", to which he limited himself to answering "yes, yes already". For three hours, Alexa kept failing to return to shore after falling for the fifth time, lying on the shore between great sighs, Jayden kicks her in the butt saying "upstairs that training is to get here swinging not swimming."

Alexa: - angry getting up "at least take these things off me" pointing to her ankles and wrists.

Jayden: - "no" spitting the peach seed in her forehead causing her to fall into the river.

Alexa: - "Why ?! Also, what good is this, you already know that I have previous training."

Jayden: - "Yes And?"

Alexa: - "it means, I already have what it takes to hold a sword, but a style you just teach me new things, not this nonsense" coming out of the water.

Jayden: - "It is true that you have knowledge, but as far as I am concerned you are new to this and everything you already have prior to my lessons is yours, I am not interested, so with this of course it begins again".

Two more hours passed, and it was seven o'clock in the afternoon with the sunset reflecting in the waters of the river where Alexa finally completes the practice releasing a huge sigh, her hands and legs were shaking, managing to see how her veins were around her wrists and ankles well marked on your skin.

Jayden: - "Well at last, give me those weights and go."

Alexa: - throwing them "take this crap, one thing. Tomorrow we will start with lessons on Fiu?".

Jayden: - catching the weights "Excuse me, do you want to start with the Fiu?".

Alexa: - "Yes! That's why you are my teacher!"

Jayden: - puffing out her cheeks "HAHAHAHAHAJAAJAJAJAJA, you can't even do this basic and you want to practice with that hahaha" cutting her laugh "train, when you're ready for that I'll say so."

The girl got annoyed walking while complaining about the slowness of her training, the warrior just looked at the weights thinking "he has strength, his previous training after all ..." moving his eyes from the weights to the branches by which he had been hanging "... few would have passed this in a single day with twenty extra kilos on their body" after closing their eyes to meditate for a second a slight grimace that looks like a smile is drawn on their face to disappear from the place as if in a blast wind is involved.

The previous day's training had left a strong pain in her extremities, heading in the car with her driver, she cannot avoid massaging her wrists, after saying goodbye with her huge smile to the man who was in charge of taking her wherever she wanted, she is received by her friends who take her by her hands leading her to the center of the school, after complaining several times about how they dragged her, the other pair seems to be very expectant for some reason that she still did not know, this being why they ignored her, when they arrived and stop in front of the biggest room in the whole place with hundreds of young people coming and going.

Alexa: - "Girls! What's up?"

Tamara: - "shut up and look" pointing to the entrance to the other end of the place.

Alexa: - "What's wrong?"

Leslie: - "it seems that the hero of the city is at odds with some older boys for defending a redhead with glasses in his living room".

Alexa: - "ah, that's why so much scandal, well now that they told me that I'm going to our living room" turning away from her friends.

The girls follow their friend into the living room to say something to her.

Leslie: - "oh come on Alex, you're not curious at all".

Alexa: "why would he do it after all he must know how to defend himself, I guess."

Tamara: - "It is rumored that today they plan to ambush him and the brainiac."

Alexa: - "don't call him that Tam, besides what problems is that going to have with us".

Leslie: - "It sounds so great to know that there are people like that with us."

Tamara: - "besides that he could be the happy toad man with whom you became infatuated a while ago".

Leslie: - "I don't think it's him, there are many heroes in this city."

Both girls looked doubtfully at the redhead as they entered their class.

Leslie: - "mmm, is something wrong" looking in various directions.

Tamara: - "What do you mean, is there something you know and you haven't told us?"

Leslie: - a little blushing "oh right, last week when I went to study with Emily I walked to meet my driver and I was mugged".

Alexa: - surprised "Why didn't you tell us that ?!".

Leslie: "is that only this slight mark stayed on my cheek, besides someone saving me from being cut, that's why I hadn't said anything."

Both girls checked their friend in every corner to see if it was true that that horrible experience had left a small mark. The hours passed, returning to the river Alexa when arriving she finds a small letter tied to the branch of a tree above the river, looking for the presence of the warrior, without success she only manages to see that there is a rope pulled instead with a note, at the get closer he manages to read "conceited, today it will be simple the note has the place where I will be waiting for you, take the rope by tying one end to your waist and another to the tree closest to the shore, surely open a mark, take the piece of rock from below the note ", when lifting things, she finds the tree with the mark, already prepared the girl jumps towards the branch being a few meters from arriving she is pulled backwards, falling hard against the ground leaving a few blows, when this happens, the girl recovers immediately and angrily tries again, happening again what has already happened.

After several falls, he lets out a great cry of rage while cleaning himself a little with the river water, he decides to go see what he had the rope thinking that this would be the reason why he was crashing so many times, after observing it carefully I accept that its only feature to highlight was its strong resistance, looking at the note again, you realize that it says something on the other side "Postscript: I measured the rope so that you can only reach the branch by performing some acrobatics, if not You will only end up doing shit on the ground, if in your infinite idiocy it occurred to you to do it if reading this is slower than I thought ".

The girl just let out a big sigh saying "idiot" before moving away from the tree she thinks for a second that if she unties the rope her teacher will not find out, after thinking it better she shakes her head in denial preparing to do her homework.

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