chap. 32: Gentle at the same time Firm

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Four days passed with Francesca without having been able to overcome her record of the middle of the waterfall, for her complication her father had returned decreasing the time in which she could escape to perform her test, it is six in the morning, we see how the blonde is is training tennis in a match with his father, you could appreciate a great level on the part of both, with each adult serve the girl did not take even a second to go to intercept the ball, powerful returns returned to the adult who demonstrated his ability as a former professional throwing it to the other end of the court, his daughter forced to throw herself to be able to return the shot of her father, slipped down the court reaching with the tip of her racket to touch the ball that went out giving her the set and therefore the victory to the adult.

Father: - wiping the sweat from his forehead "Exceptional daughter 6-5 very good game haha".

Francesca: - getting up "yes dad, it was very hard".

Father: - approaching with a bottle of water "here, you must be well hydrated".

Francesca: - taking a big gulp of the drink "I know, by the way, when the match against the European girl will be."

Father: - full of pride "THAT'S MY DAUGHTER! Always eager for her next game ...".

Francesca: - a little tired of her "Daddy!" Attitude.

Father: - "oh yes forgive" returning to her normal tone "will be in three weeks".

Francesca: - going to the locker room "I see, now I'll go jogging".

Father: - "see you daughter, now I will go to the office and remember that after that you must go to study".

The girl only answered by nodding her head as she got to change, she used to not come to train so much in this way when her father was away, but with her return she takes advantage of her afternoon race to go to make an attempt in her test, since I could only do it once a day. As soon as he reached the river, he took off his gym clothes, showing his swimming suit, put on his cap and continued to dive to swim against the current, when he reached the waterfall without thinking twice, he entered its flow, being sent directly At the bottom of the small pond where the waterfall fell, as soon as he failed he started his journey back to clean himself and then go to his school, Jayden who had just arrived, just watch the blonde go saying to himself "for this shit I came at six thirty in the morning "letting out a huge yawn.

The young woman arrived with her driver, saying goodbye to the man, she walked through the entrance of Celeritas for her it was normal to go to her living room alone, she was aware that many felt inferior in many ways with her, after all she was talented , athletic, smart and for what many of her male companions considered a beauty, although that was what almost everyone in the place thought, no one was her friend but Gregorio another talented like her who also knew her from a very young age, normally it was very common Ignoring the fact of wanting to relate to someone but whenever she watched as friends greeted each other and laughed, how they got annoyed and joked between friends produced something inside her that she could not explain well what it is, only summing it up in feeling alone.

As in a normal day after having finished her activities, her teacher in charge let her leave the room, since they had the order of her father, Francesca walked through the bright and wide corridors of Celeritas, going to a beautiful viewpoint that was in the third floor, being there, she just stayed leaning on the railing looking at the horizon thinking "I wonder how I can spend more time in the test? Tell dad that I want a little more free time, obviously I can't tell him what It's to train with a man I met in the middle of the morning and because he beat me in tennis, that will make him punish me or think I'm high ... there must be some way I want to be able to do those movements that I could see him the other time, I don't know what the reason is but I really wish I could do something like that ... "His mental debate is interrupted by someone arriving at the scene being the brown-haired athlete saying" Hi! ".

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