chap. 23: Demons of Their Own

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The forest is a wonder of nature, which manages to avoid its loss, thanks to the little intervention of human beings, when venturing into its depths we can meet our young woman with light brown hair, who wears a kind of black karategi with light brown lines on the edges. Emily is sitting while she finishes putting on a black laceless Chinese slippers, ties her hair and leaps up and takes her wooden sword and heads towards a small wooden cabin.

As he approaches the cabin, he meets his teacher performing movements as if he were dancing, he moves his arms as if he were going through great gusts of air, extending his arms in a relaxed way with an open palm and his fingers together with the thumbs inside of the palm, Emily observes him hidden behind the tree closest to the house, she contemplates all the movements of the adult, with her reddened cheek, extremely captivated by these strange techniques. Unfortunately for him, when performing the last movements of his training, the warrior jumps and falls forming an x ​​in the air at high speed, cuts the tree that covered the girl, causing her to fall on her back to the ground, extremely she sank into her thoughts "How did he do that ?! I find it hard to believe that he is supposedly human", she quickly had to come back to reality when her master approached her, hitting her on the head leaving her completely lying on the floor while squeezing hard where he had hit her.

Teacher: - "Tell me, do you think that you learn by looking, don't waste my time, follow me."

Emily: - "Excuse me, I won't do it again, I'm coming ..." walking behind him "... tell me what we will do today."

Teacher: - "well get in here."

Pointing out a kind of machine with several iron circles with several perfectly round rocks, all this supported on a trunk with small wedges where the iron circles went.

Emily: - inside the machine "well now what?".

Teacher: - "I am not going to bother to detail what this training should achieve, after all, you just have to understand that the test you performed prepared your body to support this level, now you will begin to develop the technique."

Emily: - "I understand" positioning herself as if she were a soccer goalkeeper, waiting for any of the balls to move.

Teacher: - "Are you serious? Look, you must understand this, you are not going to hit the rocks, your muscles must learn the correct way to block, since that is where your training will lie, the defense."

Emily: - "ooh come on teacher, who doesn't know that the best defense is a good attack".

Teacher: - "Yes, but when you have the speed to perform it, you have strength and since you have a great analytical capacity, your abilities will adapt better to a training of this style, well prepare yourself, take this position" stretching back your right leg, while slightly flexing the left, and positioning both arms forward at the level of his belly with open hands.

The girl, imitating the indicated position as best as possible, nodded, at that moment the adult reduced the diameter of the circles, saying some final clarifications "The objective is to achieve the necessary reflections, you must block using the palms of the hands, the soles the feet, the forearms, the elbows, the legs and the knees, and it is forbidden to use the fingers, fists, shoulders, upper part of the hand or the foot ". At the end of these words, he spun the circles, the rocks impelled the movement, getting closer and closer that increased the speed much more to her body.

She could not last without a rock, exceeding her reaction time and hitting her, instantly stopping the training, the young woman quickly, still in pain, stood up while she begged her teacher to restart the practice, thus spending an entire afternoon in which the young woman to Despite having too predictable and clumsy movement, he had managed to increase his reaction time although to be able to stay fifteen seconds inside that machine.

It was already a bright and warm Monday, when our protagonist still sore from the weekend's training, sitting placidly, listening to the explanations of her teacher when when asking something to the whole class, the young woman did something that she had never done before, raised her hand instantly, this reaction surprised her by embarrassing her in a second, trying to avoid the gaze of her classmates, since she did not even raise her hand to answer any question in elementary school. The teacher said happily "oh what a miss Forcer, it's great that you decide to respond" to this said by the teacher Emily was forced to answer, as expected, even though it was a complex subject like Chemistry, she managed to answer in an excellent way, achieving the desired compound. She sat down again while her companions were interested in how she had achieved it, perhaps it was the first time that she could feel a bit of pride in her abilities.

The day passed as always without many changes, when leaving school this time he received more people who requested his help, as he continued with his training it happened without many problems although he still could not overcome his record of fifteen seconds of blocks.

It was already early morning after having slept for a few hours, feeling quite bored, contemplating the night sky from his window, suddenly he remembers that little emotion he felt after saving his partner from that thief, when he looked into his closet he saw the same sweatshirt that night and noticing that he cannot fall asleep, he leaves his home wearing the same clothes as the other night, runs jumping from a small building to the roof of the home and so on, enjoying the tranquility that darkness produces, when he stops between two buildings realizing where she was, it was that place where that monster cornered her, her insides demanded that she vomit, unable to deny the fears that that place produced in her, she began to retreat, ready to return home, when a small scream captured her Attention, the sound came from the alley, although the doubt hovered in his mind, he did not allow himself to be convinced by fear and was encouraged to take a look, seeing a rather large shadow When she was leaving the place and a woman was lying between some garbage cans, she approached her as fast as she could, noticing that she is half naked, with her tits and vagina exposed, when observing her very carefully she manages to notice some white spots on her clothes highlighting a cut that the woman had on her neck, this being the cause of her death.

The girl was scared, thinking that her perpetrator could remain alive and free, in a flash she fled the place fearing that he would return and do the same to her.

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