Chapter Three: Doors? Nah.

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False watched as Xisuma, the first person she has ever met on this camp, walk out the entranace, leaving her alone with her journal and the bed. She sat down again on her blanket, deciding that this is probably going to be the last time she felt comfort this good before.

The blonde haired girl though about what Xisuma had said. How her journal was "most likely" something special or whatever?

False ran her fingers across the smooth leather bound cover. It felt normal. It looked normal. But she knew-

"That's a really delicate item you're holding in your hands, you know. I would be careful with it if I were you."

At first, False thought that Xisuma had come back, but when she looked up, she saw a boy, probably younger than her.

He couldn't be more than fourteen, a couple of inches smaller than her, unruly brunette hair getting in his eyes.

The sleeves of his crimson sweater was too big for him, the sleeves carelessly rolled around his wrists.

"Oh, uh, hey. And I think I know that this is . . . delicate." False set down the journal. "What's your name?"

The boy held out his hand. "Hi! My name is Grian!" Grian grinned, a mischevious glint shining in his wide ass eyes, making False wonder if this kid ever slept.

"False, pleasure to meet you." She was about to sit up, but then hesitated. "Err, how long have you been here?"

Grian shrugged. "Around a month. The others have been here longer,"

He looked at the blonde haired girl's expression. "Oh, feel free to come out, X-I-suuuma is like that sometimes. Something has been bothering him lately."

False followed Grian out the infirmary door. Well, there wasn't really a door. There wasn't any doors that she could see in the camp either. Her companion silently giggled.

And the camp . . .

Her mouth formed an "o" shape, her eyes widdening as she looked around, wishing she had six more eyes.

A canoe lake branched off the shore, another boy reeling a fishing rod in. Cabins -without doors of course- formed a circle around the site, around a couple dozen in all.

And more lodges, bigger than the others, were built around the rim of the circle. A climbing wall peeked out from behind all of it, plus more structures that False couldn't even describe.

This kind of reminded her of Percy Jackson. Aside from the fact that the camp was a lot smaller than the one she's seen in the books, she couldn't help feeling impressed.

"Why are there no doors here . . . ?" False asked to Grian, who was clearly impressed even though he's been here for a while. He snickered.

"The Jungle Bandit stole all of them."

She decided to drop the subject after that.

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