Chapter Nine: Late Night Campfire

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Chajejjeo ok ok ok, I got this


"Okay, you got this . . ." False whispered to herself, taking a deep breath. She just witnessed a prophecy. She's going on a quest. She just destroyed one of her fellow campmate's sanity. All is good.

But False couldn't help to think about what happened. Sure, she might be over-reacting, but something in her mind was just bugging her, begging her to do something.

She wanted to take matters into her own hands, nobody to stop her or tag along with her, even if she's supposed to be protected or companied.

False would've reveried if not for the smell of warm smoke and toasted marshmellows. Then she noticed that the sky was already fading into a shade of indigo.

X smiled a bit, leading her to the source of it all, a campfire in the middle of the site.

Once again, she felt a strong sense of variety between all of the campers. Some of them were humans. Some of them were just too odd to explain. But one person caught False's eye.

A zombie-like girl was laughing and giggling on her dark oak log where she sat. Her skin was a tone of soft mint green, dotted with freckles on the bridge of her nose. Small straps of her cyan blouse fluttered like a butterfly in the breeze. The same girl who handed X the tea-pot in the cabin.

Gently walking over to a vacant spot, False sat down near the zombie girl, noticing a few stitches across her face, down her neck, keeping her arms intact, seemingly everywhere. It's like she's a very pretty ragdoll.

False tapped on her shoulder. "Hi . . . ?"

She turned around. "Oh, hello! Aren't you the new camper?"

"Yeah! I- uh, I am!"

Things were starting to fall apart mentally on False's side of the spectrum. She continued.

"What's your name?"

The green skinned girl smiled wholeheartedly. "I'm Cleo, and I'm pretty sure you're False?"

False nodded. Then Impulse kinda gestures to Cleo's half burnt marshmellow that had some sparks just sparking off of it. The zombie turned around to her other side, leaving False with the question-

'Will this be my new life now?'


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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