Maybe Someday

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Hey, here is the obligatory this is my first fanfiction and this is all fiction authir's note. I'm a college student so this may be the only one I write or I might post more. If I do post more, it definitly won't be on a regular schedule.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.


Shayne's POV

I'm sitting on a park bench staring at Mythical. The Smosh space now lies empty after a group decision to “retire” and work towards the individual goals that had been waiting in the wings. Rhett and Link invested in younger YouTube channels to fill the empty space and gave them the same chance they did Smosh. We left five years ago and I've hurt ever since.

I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to her, but I got the opportunity of a lifetime to star in a movie. I had to travel halfway across the world and selfishly expected her to follow me. I turn the engagement ring in my fingers. I had everything set up, but that day started in a way I could have never planned for. She was out the door before I could even ask her. I was under pressure, forced to decide between getting blacklisted or follow her. I sit here staring at our old workplace and I wish I decided differently. 

I tried to keep in touch with her. We were friendly on social media but that was it. Last I saw she was smiling and happy with her boyfriend. As much as I hurt, I am happy she found love. She deserves someone that puts her first instead of a fool who was only focused on his dreams. 

I come back to sit on this bench three times a year. The day we met at the audition, the day we decided to finally start dating, and the day she left. It is only a dream, but I always hoped that she would appear in front of me. I would be happy for any involvement in her life even if it meant I had to watch her love someone else. 

My eyes focus on the emerald on the ring. Courtney didn’t like things typical. She always wanted something unique and special. I remember the moment I saw it. I knew it was perfect and within minutes I had a ring in hand and walked out of the store with the biggest stupidest smile on my face. 

“Whatcha looking at?” a female voice asks. 

I look down, I really don’t want to talk to anyone right now. “Just a ring.”

Timidly the female speaks again. “Shayne, when did you buy a ring?”

I hear my name fall from her lips. “Who…” I start to ask as I raise my eyes. In front of me, the woman that walked out of my life five years ago. “Courtney, how, how are you?”

“I’ve been better. Shayne, what are you doing with a ring staring at the Mythical office?” Courtney blurts out. “You look like you haven’t slept in yea… Shayne, was that for me?”

I can’t bring myself to say yes. I stare blankly ahead as I think about what to say. Thoughts bouncing through my mind like ping pong balls. 

Her face dropped as she filled the silence. “Shayne, I am sorry. It was wrong of me to assume that it had anything to do with us”, she says with a hint of sadness plaguing her voice. 

I look into her eyes searching trying to figure out what to say. “What if it was for you?” I ask hesitantly. 

She sits next to me and takes one of my hands in hers. “I would ask why you think I would come back here. A place we both left five years ago and never turned back.” 

I see the edges of her mouth turn up into an almost unnoticeable smile. “Court, I asked you to uproot your whole life without any consideration for you or your dreams.”

“Shayne, you had the opportunity of a lifetime. It wasn’t our time” She pauses. “We had some growing and learning to do. We weren't ready."

“Court,” I trail off. 

“Shayne, I am a different person, but if there is one thing I regret, it was not going with you.” 

I look into her eyes. Taking my hand back, I pinch myself. I had similar dreams and nightmares before. I do not want this to be just a dream. "Courtney, you have a boyfriend."

"Had a boyfriend. He cheated. I put my stuff in a storage unit, took part of my savings and decided to take a trip. I was looking at the board in the airport deciding on a location and Los Angeles was calling to me."

“I… I don’t know what to say.” I pause to take a breath. “I came back here three times a year with the blind hope that maybe one day I would see you again. One day, I would be in your life even if we were just best friends again. I couldn’t sell this no matter how many times I tried,” I say holding up the ring.

She places her hand on my arm. “I couldn’t forget you either froglegs.” She gives me a small smile. "I purchased a ticket not knowing what I would find. I figured coming here would be a good place to start." She grabs my hand and presses something into my palm before closing my fingers. 

I feel the indent in my palm. It couldn’t be. Opening my hand I see the key necklace I gave her years ago. I gave it to her the first time I told her I love her. “You kept this?”

“All these years Shayne. When I was packing my things, I was going through everything. It had fallen behind one of the drawers in my jewelry box. Fate wouldn’t have let me throw it out even if I wanted to. But I didn’t. I wanted to keep it. I knew we had unfinished business. As much as I tried to move on, I was stuck on you.”

I felt like if I blinked she would disappear. Life was giving us a chance to try again. A ring, a key, and a chance meeting.I look into her eyes and grab her left hand. “Let’s try again. Obviously we ran into each other for a reason.” 

I put the ring on the tip of her finger, giving her a chance to say no. I rush to say, “We don’t have to pick up where we left off. If you let me, I want to promise you that I love you. My feelings haven’t changed.” 

Courtney paused. She takes the ring out of my fingers, keeping it on the tip of her finger. Slowly her lips turn into a smile and she slides the engagement ring turned promise ring down onto her finger. “I love you too, frog legs.”

I don’t know who moved first, but her hands found my face and mine found her hips. Our lips met and for the first time in five years, I felt whole. It might have been just a dream, but fate brought Courtney back to me. Fate gave me a second chance.

Our lips part and hand and hand we stand up, walking through an area we found familiar with no goal in mind other than to start again. I squeezed her hand, “Forever Courtney, I won’t mess up this time I promise.” 

Another Shourtney one-shot collection. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat