Episode 15: Destroyer Dome

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American DJ: Welcome to the one of only one, Destroyer Dome! The amazing stadium is possible for attack from all 360 degrees! There are no exits and no stadium out, the battle must end with a complete defeat with a most dynamic stadium in Scan2go trans right here right now! So get ready for rock and roll, let's do this thing!

In the waiting room,

Speaker: Battle is participate for Block A, please stand by.

Jack: Yes. I'm counting on you Vambat!

Taiga: Let's go okay Junger?

Kraken: Let's do this thing Jelok!

Hebina: Let's get do it Hisstoria and are ready for this?

Kohibeko: Yeah!

Daijiko: Were ready for this!

Dradd: My Jape. So, are you ready for this?

Monkey, Utan and Pansy: Yeah!

Taiga: Now Antares, we'll be back as soon as we'll wait for the final round.

Antares: You bet! I'll be right behind you guys okay?

Hebina: Speaking of which, where is Ryan?

Matthew: He's from the different block I'm afraid.

Lucy: Don't worry, he'll appear after the round.

Outside the waiting room,

Antares: Just remember, I'll cheer you on the stands.

Enzo: I can't take it anymore!

All: Huh?

Utan: Who's that?

Enzo: Were not puppets that you control big bro!

Antares: The Garcias are here?

Dradd: Apparently they got passed the Qualifying rounds as well.

Kohibeko: We never saw them from the World championships.

Kraken: And except for Antares who was the part of the World Championships.

Argo: What's this then!? You two are useless to listen to me!

Enzo: That's right big bro!

Argo: Huh?!

Ian: Say what?!

Selene: We lost the World Championships! Ziggurat control us because you let them do it! We're look like fools everyone out there!

Enzo: We can't go along lying you do things anymore Argo!

Argo: What did you say?!

Selene: The Garcias are broken up!

Ian: Huh?

Selene: From now on, I'll fight for myself!

Enzo: Clockwise, ciao!

Enzo and Selene runs off.

Ian: Wait! Selene! Enzo!

Antares: Could the Garcias are about to split up?

Lucy: I am not sure about this.😧

Dradd: It's sure looks like it.

The American DJ announces the first round.

American DJ: The racer to arrived is the amazing. The amazing who? There's no one from the elevator!

There is a car that came straight to the elevator.

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