Eternal Love

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        A Blue star that can be seen along with three other stars, clearer than all the others on the beautiful night sky. Different sizes and shapes. But the blue star had something different about it. No matter how much the other stars tried to shine bright, competing with the blue star was hard. The other stars were always jealous of it. The beautiful blue star would always draw the attention of everyone around.

       Orion was their father, their home, their everything. There were numerous other stars that adorned the 'Kingdom of Orion'. The brightest of the stars were the princes and princesses. The most important stars were the three, which adorned the Orion's belt. They were his three queens.

        Now comes the princesses. They were also three. Rigel, which was the blue star was the eldest and the most beautiful among all three of them. She was the most loved and cared, while her younger sisters couldn't do anything other than be jealous. They were Nova and Cassiopeia. Everyone knew everything about Rigel. But there was something that she never told anyone, not even her father.

            Rigel had a lover. He was another star, who belonged to another kingdom, Taurus.
His name was Aldebaran. Rigel and Aldebaran were never near each other, but they weren't far away either. The two bright star's love was unknown but eternal. They had to hide their love as the relationship between people of different kingdoms were forbidden for the greater good of the celestial kingdoms. And Rigel was not just someone, she was the princess. Stars who would break the rules were banished to the edge of the universe. The edge of the universe is believed to exist among them. It is considered as hell. Well, if there is hell then heaven should also exist.

          Now comes the story of how the heaven was formed.

          Rigel and Aldebaran would always talk to each other through unspoken words. Shining bright through the sky as they talk and talk for hours without anyone knowing. Even though they knew that they can never come closer or become one, they never stopped loving each other.

              Rigel would always sing a song in which she would speak of her unknown lover. Her Aldebaran.

"Our love will outshine
The lightning tearing us apart,
A world we will design
Through the thunder tearing us apart"

Nova and Cassiopeia was already too jealous to help her sister when she finally revealed her love for Aldebaran to them. Rigel trusted her sisters to the fullest. She hoped they would help her keeping it a secret. But Nova and Cassiopeia were too jealous to help her. They took it as an opportunity to finally be above their elder sister.

        On the day of the meeting between the kingdoms, Nova and Cassiopeia decided to tell their father, Orion, about their sister's relationship between the brightest star in the kingdom of the bull, Taurus. Taurus was one of the most powerful rulers of the constellations. He was an arrogant person and Aldebaran knew very well that he would never agree in changing the rules even if Orion does. The lovers had no idea how their future was going to be, until the day of the meeting came.

                The two jealous sisters betrayed their elder sister by exposing the lovers to the entire kingdoms who were present during the meeting. Everyone was shocked to learn that Rigel, the most loved and trusted princess of their kingdom, broke the rules. They cursed her and shamed her. Aldebaran wasn't left alone either. The kingdom of Taurus was dumbfounded when they learned that their beloved prince fell in love with a princess of another constellation.

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