Chapter Four - The Break

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Chapter Four

I’m sitting in my room watching some TV a week later when Noah comes running in “The boys got through, they’re going to the Live Shows!”

I look at him shocked “No way?!”

“Way!” he says excitedly as he pulls me off my bed, “They did it Ara”

I jump up and down “That is awesome. How do you know?”

“I just got off the phone with Wes, Drew screwed up a part of the song but he said that Simon didn’t seem to mind and he wants them on his team”

“That is totally sick,” I say grinning, “When do they come back so we can celebrate?”

“They come back in a couple days but we aren’t allowed to tell anyone. I don’t even think Wes was supposed to tell me but whatever, everyone thinks they find out ages after, like, just before the Live Shows. So we have to keep quiet about it, okay? But they get to stay in Huntington for about three weeks before they go to LA to start prepping for the show”

“That is crazy” I breathe out, “They must be all stoked. And yeah I won’t breathe a word to anyone”

“Yeah, I could barely hear Wes over Drew and Keaton’s shouting in the background”

“I feel like we have to do something to celebrate”

He laughs mischievously “Well, ma and pa are out so I think a celebratory joint is in order”

I open my eyes wide “You did not”

I did so; Kyle hooked me up when I first got here. Come on sis, we haven’t done it since your sixteenth”

“For good reason” I point out

“It’s not gonna be like that night” He counters

“If mum and dad find us, our heads will be on the chopping block”

He pulls me towards my balcony “They won’t”

I reluctantly follow him to my balcony where he’s quick to light the joint. He takes a long drag and hands it to me.  I do the same before taking a second toke, which the effect is almost immediate. I take three more quick drags before handing the joint back to him to finish. He does so and as we stumble back inside my innards have turned to jelly. I flop onto the bed and smile in my state of bliss “Cali weed is different to New Zealand weed”

He laughs “It’s probably got way more chemicals”


I drag myself from my bed and that’s when I feel the drop. My stomach completely voids so it’s hollow and I feel empty all of a sudden. The room continues to zoom in and out as if I’m looking through one of those crazy telescopes you had as a kid. I look back at Noah who’s insanely focused on my lava lamped tucked away in the corner “Yeah, that weed has some messed up shit in it. I’ve never been this gone from a few hits”

He laughs, “Welcome to Huntington I guess hey”

“Yeah whatevs, I’m hungry. I need to eat”

I make my way downstairs and as soon as I enter the kitchen, I’m in the cupboard eating anything I can find. After a packet of chips, half a packet of biscuits, two chocolate bars and three mandarins I feel sick. Not from eating too much and being full but from eating too much and still feeling empty. Noah is sitting at the breakfast bar completely spaced out so I click my fingers in front of him “I’m never doing this again, I hate the munchies. They’re the worst”

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