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Gremlin!!!! >^•^< Also happy early birthday to Iida (August 22) Planning in making Soba just for it!

"Um, Azi." I say to the lady at the front desk after she asked for my name. "So you are the one that everyone been wanting to see!" she smiles, handing me a name tag containing my name. I stick it to my hip "I guess so, do you know where we are meeting at?" I ask.

She tells me to go to the gym and that there is going to be a welcome video in ten.

Some walking later

I take a seat near the back, I don't think anyone with recognize me one way or another. I pull out my phone and start reading as more students walk in, all in various School uniforms. None from UA, don't know if that is good or not. As everyone sit down around me, I am ignored. Maybe because they don't know me or because I go to a different school, very different school. No biggie for me.

A student takes the stage and welcomes us here and explains what is going to be going on, we are going to go to the various classroom that we were in during the we were here starting with kindergarten. And if we don't remember which classroom we were in for any of the grades that we can go to one of the tables to get a paper that has all of them.

With that, everyone starts getting up and leaving or going to the tables. I reach one for my respective letter grouping and give them my name "Azi, Azi ah! Here you go." she hands me a paper. "Thank you." I smile before going straight to my first grade class since I never went to kindergarten. 

"Oh is it our turn already?" one of the teachers asks while she put some papers on the wall. "No, I didn't go to kindergarten here so I decided to come here to wait. If that's alright?"

"Yes, it's fine." she smiles at me as she finish putting up the papers. I go and sit down at a desk with my name on it. She must have it set up like it was when I was little. "You, I am glad you decided to come Azi!" she says "I don't know if many remembers you. But it is hard to forget for me to forget." 

"I wish I had as good of memory, only one I really remember is Sensei-nee." I had called the student-aid this because she reminded me of Fuyumi as a kid. "Well since you are older, you can call me Haku." the woman smiles. I nod an okay. 

My former classmates come in, talking about a baby that they saw on their way in. Ignoring me, no surprise. "Sorry I'm late Haku. My brother was suppose to watch his niece but he forgot about the extra training he wanted to do." the aid comes in carrying the baby everyone was talking about. "Oo can I hold her, Todo-san?" one of the girls ask as 'Todo-san' puts the baby on the ground "Only if she comes to you. She tends to be picky." Why does she sound- I look more at the aid, it was Fuyumi. Wait, was she- "Ma." Tenshi taps my foot and I pick her up, setting her on my lap. "Lucky." one girl mutters as my daughter falls asleep holding one of my fingers. 

I shrug slightly and Fuyumi looks at me. "Azi?" she asks, looking at the name tag. "Yeah, long time no see Sensei-nee." I smile, though I know she knows it's not my real name. 

Fuyumi smiles, as Haku starts say how we are going to watch a slideshow of us when we were in her class. My sister comes and sits next to me "I guess I had no right to start yelling at Natsuo." she whispers as the lights are dim. I hum in agreement "Thank you for taking me to the Festival, it helped me a lot." I tell her.

One slideshow later

We stand up and place Tenshi on my hip, she is still asleep. "Do you got her bag?" I ask my sister which she hands me, Fuyumi is knows how Tenshi is when she is moved while he is sleeping. "Try not to punch anyone." she tells me.

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