One Hundred and Five

44 2 13

Part two of Boku no Sailor Academia.

I reenter Dad's agency in my normal going to work attire with the wig, tie and fedora in my bag. I make my way up to my desk, ready for work today. "Hi Kiki." Cell smiles at me, "Hi Cell." I smile back at her. "Ever figured out what was in that bottle?" she asks me as I go to my desk, her walking beside me "Yeah, it was vodka." I answer her, sighing a little "Not sure who brought it though."

"Ah, well good thing it was only your father that drank." Cell nods.

"Yeah, though I almost drank." I tell be for we part ways, I sitting down at my desk to start working on some papers and to discreetly work on the plan for spring break, I don't think I will be able to have a break since I will have to be with the Front getting ready for the liberation in May.

In a sketch book, I start working out a few plans using the code only VAS members know; I already have set that Toya is going to help with the evacuation due to there being a double of Dabi and a double of Toga made by Toga. Thank goodness we had Twice's blood in stock for this.

"Hey Kiki?" I look up to see Janna. "What's up?" I ask her, noticing her unease, "Your brothers aren't straight right?" she asks me, I give her a nod before she continues "Do you have any advice on how to come out to your family?"

I think for a moment after inviting my co-worker to sit down "Well, honestly I would just tell them." I pause as I notice Janna's apprehensive look "Unless there is an issue with them."

She nods saying her parents and sister are homophobes. "I still think you should tell them." I say "The worst they can do is disown you, right?"

"Yeah," she then sighs "you make it sound so easy." she then groans. 

"Bad habit of mine." I say before asking if she has a girlfriend, causing Janna to blush "How did you know?"

"Lucky guess. My two nonstraight brothers didn't come out to our parents until after they got their boyfriends." I say, then curiosity takes the wheel "Mind is I ask who?"

"Well, you probably don't know her, but her name is Damatachi Kamaitsu."

"Kamai?!" I say "That's it, looks like I have to call a certent friend of mine." I have known for a while that Kamai was Bi, but she seems to have failed to inform me that she was dating. Is this how Dad felt when he found out about Toya and Keigo?

"You know her?" Janna says surprised, I nod as I pull up a picture from yesterday of me, Kamai and Inasa "I would assume so." I reply. Then, an idea for Janna's situation "I got an idea on how you can tell your family." I smile at her as I explain, it might work considering Kamaitsu is involved. My co-worker ponders my idea for a second "It could work." she says "Thanks Kiki, you're not half bad."

"You get haven't seen my bad side for the most part Janna." I say to her "Now, if you excuse me, I have a friend to tease."I pull up my friend's contact up on my phone. "I don't know who I should feel bad for." Janna says. 

"Probably her since she is normally at Gunhead's instructing." Ah, the age old question: to Text or to call? Cal it shall! I hit the call button as Janna leaves, once I got out my Bluetooth. "What's up Zu?" Kamai answers as I go back to my previous task, "Nothing much." I answer "I just heard something about a certain someone." I say innocently as I continue to write.

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