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This is the current background for my keyboard that has been inspiring me to write 2614 words. It's a villain Deku.

Next day, Azula's usual dojo.

"Are you ready to get your ass kicked?" Kamai smirks at me. "Only if you are." I reply back. Today is the tournament at the Dojo. I told Dad that I have something today, but I'll still be able to do work after. I have a beanie on but I have some of my red hair covering my scar since there will be more people than normal. And I don't feel like being questioned. 

But it's nothing strange, I normally have my right eye covered at the tournaments. "Is Deku coming?" she wiggles her eyebrows, I roll my eyes "He has his internship." 

"Shame, I wanted to say hi." the violet haired girl tells me. "Come on." I say and we leave the changing room and out to the floor.

Cheers greets us, after all we have been the top two for the past five years. "T.A.!! Damatachi!!" this is also why the cheers at the Sports Festival did not really faze me. I am a lot more popular here with the signs and people covering their right eyes. 

I look at the crowds, I immediately see Toya and Takami. I am not surprised that he managed to convince the hero that the first is interning with. Toya is at Hawks's agency. 

Once Kamai and I are with the other competitors, Gunhead welcomes everyone here. It's a bit of a larger turn out than last year, now that have a fuller look around. 

As the opening remarks ends I feel someone staring at me, I mean I am in tight biker shorts and a sports bra. I look to see who is staring and my eyes meet the green ones of a freckled greenette. Instead of glaring like I was going to, I smirk at my boyfriend and wink (though it looks like I just blinked) causing Izuku to blush, he must know that it's me. On the same row I see Dad, Sho and Katsuki. The later looking board, not for long though since I am up first. 

"I am going to take first this year." my opponent says as the ring is cleared. "Yup!" I smile as Gunhead tells us to start, the opponent suprised "W-what?" he says, relaxing his stance. I kick his gut and then his face. "First to be disqualified." I smile as I am announced victorious. 

I give a couple bows as I step out of the ring to watch the next match.

Last Match Damatachi Kamaitsu vs T.A. because I am baaaad with fights.

"For those who are new here, in the final round the two opponents are allowed to use a weapon." Gunhead explains as I grab a staff, Kamai grabs a knife. "Of their choice, okay?" Gunhead adds. I am so ready for this.

"Trying something new T?" Kamai asks. I shrug "Got a bo staff for Christmas." 

"Begin!" the Battle Hero says causing my friend to come charging at me with her knife. But thankfully with the staff, I dog need to get up close and personal to land a hit as I thwack Kamaitsu in the side. "Come on!" she wince swinging her knife very close to me. I am pretty sure Izuku is having a heart attack from this. "You can do better than that." I say to my friend only. 

In the end, I win for the sixth year in a row. "Nice job girl." Kamai smiles, shaking my hand. She is bruised all over, "Not too bad yourself." I smile back. 

After I get my plack I go over to the side, then I get tackled my oldest brother "Nice job out there little sis." he says. "Thanks Toya." I grins, I turn to see Hawks standing there holding a bouquet of red and white roses. "Would it be weird to give flowers after a fight?" Takami asks. "Ask Toya." I say accepting the flowers "he has been doing it for the few years." Takami gives me a hug too as Kamai walks over "Hey Zu!" one of her nicknames for me "Your boyfriend is looking for you." she says. "Tell him to look for the red sea." Toya tells her. "We are not sending my boyfriend to Egypt." I eye roll.

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