Chapter 1

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No one's POV

Its all began in China, in Qingqing city. There was news that a baby that gave off light was born. Ever since then, superpowers were discovered in various places, and time passed without the cause being identified.

Before we knew it, the supernatural became normal, and dreams became reality. The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait.

In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight.


Izuku and I are on our way to school, but are stop by a crowd watching a villain on the train tracks.

Izuku: "Hey (Y/N), lets get a closer look".

(Y/N): "Seriously. We're going to be late for school".

Izuku: "Aww come on (Y/N) just for a little bit, I want to write down those hero's".

(Y/N): "Okay, fine just for a bit".

Izuku and I got past the crowd and next to a bald men. We watch as a villain knocked down a metal pillar and it starts falling to the ground. But fortunately, the pro hero Death arms managed to catch it in time before any bystander were hurt.

Random person 1:"It's Death arms! He carries out justice through his great physical strength--The punching hero!"

We watched as another pro hero came in and block anyone from getting through by making streams of water come out of his hands.

???:"Everyone, this is a dangerous place. Stay back, stay back".

Random person 2:"The rescue hero, Backdraft, is here, too!"

Random person 3:"Man, turning into a monster like that is an amazing quirk".

Random person 4:"What did he do?"

Random person 3:"He stole someone's bag and went out of control when he got cornered".

Random person 4:"With a quirk like that, and he's a bag snatcher?"

Suddenly a men with a tight navy blue suit with wooden armour jump over Izuku and I. As soon as he landed fan girls started screaming with love hearts coming off them.

Girls:"Aaaaahhhh!!! You can do it, Kamui!"

(Y/N):"So that's the new pro hero I've been hearing about".

We watched as he jumped onto the tracks, ready to face the massive villain. The the villain spotted him mid air

Villain:"Get away!"

Kamui wood, about to get smacked, latched onto some poles and moved away avoiding the attack and landing on the poles.

Izuku:"Who's attacking? It's Kamui wood's! The young and talented rising hero!"

Bald guy:"You were the one asking, but you gave a perfect commentary, kid. Your a fanboy, aren't you?" The bald guy said smirking.

Izuku:" uh, w-well..."Izuku said getting all embarrassed.

(Y/N):"Yeah he is, he love's pro hero". I said patting Izuku's head.

We look back up at the train track to see Kaumi wood, running up the villain's arm. He jumped up, latching onto his arm but got flung in the air, but safely landed on the train stations platform's roof.

A Stealthy Hero: Male reader x Momo Yaoyorozu(Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now