Dr. Ward

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"Dr. Ward! What's going on?" Gilbert went over to check on Ruby who was laying sideways on the examination table in the recovery position. The doctor felt for her pulse and used the stethoscope to check her heart beat. Ruby was clammy and shivering and her breathing was extremely shallow.

"Ruby, how are you dear?" He rolled her over to her back to see her eyes, flashing a light on her pupils and then checking her airways for an obstruction.

"Gilbert, place that bench under her legs please, I suspect she's had a sudden drop in blood pressure." Gilbert reached down to get the old wooden bench and elevated Ruby's legs.

"Would you bring Anne in for a moment please".

As Gilbert headed out to call Anne in, Dr. Ward asked Ruby a series of questions. "Ruby did you have anything to eat today?" He placed a cuff on her arms and started to take her blood pressure, as Gilbert came over with a few cool wet cloths to cover Ruby's forehead and the back of her neck. Ruby appeared to be regaining color and a bit of her consciousness. Gilbert went to get her a glass of water and they slowly raised her head to sip the water.

"I was in a rush this morning and I didn't have much time to eat. I overslept I'm afraid" Ruby finally said.

"Anne can you tell us what happened this morning?" Dr. Ward asked.

"Well we arrived at about 8:15 this morning and Ruby ran out the door and joined us in the carriage. About halfway to Charlottetown, Ruby started to feel ill. We stopped three times for her because she needed to throw up. The third time, nothing was actually coming up. We took her back in the carriage and then Jerry started to rush to get here. She was starting to faint. I checked her pulse and it was very low and faint. By the time we got here she was almost passed out."

Dr. Ward took Ruby's temperature and confirmed that it was normal. Gilbert noted the information in the log and shared that her temperature was also normal in February when he'd seen her. They took some notes down and Dr. Ward went to his cabinet and pulled out a vile of salt water. He had Ruby sip from the vile until it was done. They let her rest comfortably until her pressure regulated again and she felt well. Dr. Ward helped Ruby sit up and thanked Anne, asking her to leave the room until they thought the might need her again.

Dr. Ward sat next to her and asked her if she wanted Gilbert to stay during the examination, knowing that she might feel uncomfortable discussing her ailments with her friend there. Ruby felt a pang of fear knowing the news would be dreadful and she reached for Gilbert's hand. "I'd prefer if Gilbert stayed".

She and doctor Ward spoke at length about her symptoms and Ruby tried hard to recall them all. She said that she'd felt very dehydrated, weak, dizzy, frequent headaches, nausea, vomiting, fainting. She said that she had been tired for three months and just really wanted to sleep. She'd been working at the post office and thought she'd picked up the flu, but then it just wouldn't go away. Dr. Ward checked her ears and throat for infection. He felt around her neck for lumps or abnormalities. Ruby's eyes were very glassy and she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks.

"Ruby, I have a few other personal questions and perhaps a physical examination to do. Would you be comfortable changing into a gown. I'm wondering if perhaps your clothing is too tight to be able to do a proper exam". Ruby looked at Gilbert and he smiled saying, "I'll be right outside with Anne. When you need me to come back in I will."

When Anne saw Gilbert come out of the examination room, she looked as though she'd lost her best friend. He smiled and held her tight to him, pressing his mouth to her ear and whispering; "she'll be fine Anne, she's coming around". She pressed her face into his shoulder and tried to suppress her anxiety and tears. He moved her to the little sofa in the waiting room and they sat there for a moment in the quiet of the space. Winnie had left to gather supplies from the store and had promised Anne she'd be back soon. Anne set next to Gilbert with her head on his shoulder. She laced her fingers with his as they so often did and he kissed the top of her hand.

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