CH 18. First "Real" Mission part 1

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"You know you didn't need to do that, Nishida-kun." 

"Whaddya' mean Sakura ? Of course it's needed. That thing scratches the hell out of Naruto. So I petrified him."

"Yeah, but I can handle it, Nii-san."

"Oh really, Otouto ? "

"You can't handle anything anyway."

"What did you say, teme !"

"I'm just stating facts, dobe."

"I can handle anything, duck butt."

"No you can't."

"Yes I can !"

"No you can't."

"Teme !!"


"TEME !!!"

"Kakashi sensei, can I petrified both of them too ?"

"Tempting offer, but let's get to Lord Hokage as soon as possible, yes."

And that is Team 7, walking towards their Hokage after a successful mission. The mission that is among the Genin. Which is extracting Tora the cat after escape from her owner. Everything went almost the same as the canon. But, Nishida added a little spice to it. He decided to use petrification spell on Tora. 

After team 7 arrivies at the briefing room at the Hokage Tower,  with Hiruzen, Iruka, and a couple Administrators, along with the client, present in the room. Nishida reverts Tora from his petrified state on Naruto's hands and Tora given back to his owner, which is Daimyo's wife from the Land of Fire. After the Daimyo's wife, Madam Shijimi, receive her cat back, she hug him so hard, like there's no tomorrow. It is one of the reasons why Tora always escape. 

Sheesh, and that cat got to live another day. poor him. Hey Shiki, do you mind if you came here in your tiny form ?

What, where's that coming from ?

Come on ... I miss have you back in my cuddle.

How about no.

Awww, come on ... I know you like it 

I-I am not. I ... Just focus on your team !


"Congratulation Team Kakashi for retrieving Tora the cat." Hiruzen said while reading the mission's list.

"Now for your next mission, There're a couple of them. Go to the neighboring town to safeguard a Chief's son shopping, or helping to harvest potatoes .... " Then, as Hiruzen read their mission option, Naruto interrupted for disagreement. 

"Nooo ! No thank you. I want to do more challenging missions, gramps. so give us another please !" Naruto demanded. 

Huuuhh, same ol' Naruto.

Because Nishida knows what's to come, he picks up his alchemy book and starts reading while paying attention to his surroundings. 

"You idiot, You are still too early ! There're reasons behind these missions. And one of them is to receive experience." Iruka advised emphatically. Then, Naruto protest ....

"But all we had are cheap missions" 

This resulted in Kakashi wanting to hit Naruto. But, before Kakashi hits Naruto to the  head, Nishida beats him to it while still reading, then casually says ....

"Be more  respectful, Otouto." 

With the scene happening in front of him, Hiruzen admires Naruto's behaviour. So, he takes control of the scene and decides ....

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