Edward Busyness part 2

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Edward finally finish his works.

*smile* "Thank you for helping me, Lady Erin. How could I repay you?"

*hesitant* "Then... You could buy me something on your trip" *glance at Edward*

*astonished* "Do you want something in particular, Lady Erin? I'll buy it for you" *smile*

"Just buy anything that you think it's good" *leaving abruptly*

*shocked* "WAIT!..."

Erin already leave before Edward finish his sentence.

On the way Edward's room

"Sir Edward, finally you're back!" *happy*

"Anthony? You don't sleep yet?"

*smile* "I'm studying right now. Do you want to take a look, Sir?"

Anthony grab Edward hands and get him inside the room. The room are full with a scattered books

*looking around* "Don't push yourself too much, you should go to sleep now. Tomorrow, follow me on a trip."

*stunned* "A trip? Tomorrow? That's too sudden, Sir."

*huft* "Yeah, I just got the order awhile ago from my Lord" *hopeless*

*confused* "Why aren't you complaint to the Duke, Sir? I'm sure he'll heard you if you said it like you did to me this morn..." *block his mouth*

*chuckles* "Don't be scared. And you know, I'm nothing compared to my Lord, my Lord are more powerful and scary persons once he gets serious." *pondering*

*curious* "Can you tell me more about the Duke, Sir?" *glittering eyes*

*glance at Anthony* *sit down* "The Duke and I are childhood friend. He's a person who'll keep his problems and try to solve it himself. So if I refuse his request, I'm sure he'll go by himself and tire himself. He's really an amazing and kindhearted person" *smile slightly*

*confused* "Aren't the Duke a cold, indifferent and cruel person? He even called me a stupid thing earlier" *sulking*

*stare at Anthony* "How old are you?"

*pointing at himself* "Me? I just turn 15 this year, Sir" *confused*

"No wonder, you're stupid. You're just a brat."

*shocked* "Am I really that stupid?" *dejected*

"Yeah, you judge a book by it's cover. Do you know that all people in the Dukedom really love the Duke? Do you really think a cold, indifferent and cruel person will be loved by a lots of people?"

*shocked* "Really?" *disbelieved*

"The indifferent are just in outside, actually he treasures his people deep down in his heart. I still remember that night, when he felt his people would be in dangers. He gave out a really strong and scary murderous aura, I even still remember it right now" *trembling*

Edward get goosebumps and frightened look on his eyes when remembering Verduny swear to kill the first prince in the night of drinking

*shocked* "SIR, PLEASE CALM YOURSELF!" *confused*

*stare at Anthony* "Anthony, I'll tell you this. The Duke are ignorant person, indeed. But don't you even for once trying to touch or hurt his people especially his dearest one, you couldn't take his real angers. Even the Emperor won't be safe after angering him." *serious*

*shocked* "But... aren't you just make him angry this morning?"

*chuckles* "He just felt irritated, he had never been angry to me"

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