Chapter III - The Meeting

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Scott Layton. An intriguing fella. He has all the money Dale needs to get the hell out of here, but where can Dale start to finally get closure on his life? He needs to rely on Scott.
An intriguing fella indeed.....



The alarm clock went off next to Dale. Dale realized it was finally morning and that means he can finally meet Scott. All this talk building up to the man that can finally set him free! He was excited. It was 5:32 in the morning so Dale wanted to wait until Markus actually wakes up so they can meet Scott. Dale got up and looked in Markus's cabinets to see if he had anything to eat, all he found was a banana and an apple. He closed the cabinet and looked in the fridge and saw nothing interesting, so he then closed and looked around for a sec and reopened it back up. As if something were to magically appear.

He just grabbed the banana and sat back down and went on his phone to see what's going on. Nothing interesting was happening, the usual. Just typical drama and toxicity. Today was the day however, the day Dale's life could change forever and he would think about it nonstop. He was so excited. He just had to wait for Markus to wake up.

Where would I be able to live? The hills? I hope so. Or what about a damn mansion? No, don't get ahead of yourself Dale...

Dale smelled weed coming from Markus's room so he decided to see what was up. He opened the door and saw Markus smoking marijuana.

"Wakey, wakey." Markus said as he was high.

"Markus, god damn it you really had to get high now? We gotta go meet Scott." Dale said in frustration.

"Chill....chill Dale...." Markus said.

"God damn it man, now I gotta wait longer." Dale said annoyed.

"Ay bruh, you all good...good.." Markus said.

Dale sat down next to Markus and decided to take a few hits also. Dale ended up getting stoned.
For the next 45 minutes Dale & Markus would just keep being high and taking hits. Until a phone call came in on Markus's phone. Markus picked it up.

"Ay Scott, wasgood today?" Markus said high.

Dale then laid up quicker than ever once he heard the name Scott.

"Ay, you talking to Scott?" Dale questioned.

"Yeah." Markus said.

"Tell him if we are gonna meet today!" Dale said excitingly.

"Scott, you trynna meet today? My friend dale wants to be apart of this business and move outta here." Markus said.

Markus than looked at Dale.

"He said sure, homie." Markus told Dale.

Dales face lit up with excitement.

"Ask him what time!" Dale said.

"What time you wanna meet Scotty?" Markus asked.

"I'm free around 3:30." Scott replied.

So that makes it certain. 3:30 they will meet up with the man who will get Dale out of here.

Scott and Markus talked on the phone for awhile before hanging up.

"I'M FINNA GET OUTTA HERE!" Dale shouted in excitement. He was so happy for the first time in his life he could finally fix himself up and hopefully go into rehab for his drug problems. He was hoping to leave this life behind and start a new one with hopefully a family.

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