Chapter IX - The Path

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I'm sick. Lord knows how long I got left to live. When that doctor diagnosed me that I am never able to stop thinking about it. I guess I uh, I'm dying. Hearing the news didn't make me cry but it made me heartbroken. Am I gonna die without the family life I wanted? Without having kids or a wife? Without finally getting my dream home I spent all this time on? I think I got HIV from those prostitutes me and Markus had sex with. I guess Markus got lucky and had one without aids.


It was a stormy night. The Team at the mansion was sleeping while Dale was up. Dale was coughing up blood again. He took the medicine and grabbed a drink of water. He got up and went to the kitchen and saw Abby.

Dale jumped back in surprise.

"Jesus Abby." Dale said.

"Sorry if I startled you but Dale, I found out what's going on." Abby said.

"What you mean?" Dale asked.

"I found out what Scott is hiding." Abby said.

"He's gonna set us up for this huge bank heist. I heard him talking with some of the members." Abby said.

"Another bank job? I-I'm sick man." Dale said.

"He's forcing everyone to go. I don't think we have a choice." Abby said.

Dale still had red eyes with a purple outline under his eyes. He began to feel soreness around his mouth also.

"Listen Abby, I..I don't think I can even do it anymore. I've pushed through everything I could and look where it got me. I wanted a god damn family and children and to get enough money to finally get out. I can't do any of that anymore. Scott is most likely using us to save his self." Dale said.

Abby grabbed Dales arm.

"Please for me." Abby said.

"No, I can't. I'm just asking for it then. I went to close to Death's doorstep many times when I was a kid, I guess this time Death showed up at mine instead and finally got me." Dale said.

"Dale, we need you." Abby said.

"God damn it Abby, no I can't go." Dale said.

"Don't you want that money? To finally buy yourself a house?" She asked.

"And stay in it for how long? A short amount of time. Abby, I'm dying. Death finally caught up with me after years of being on the run. I'm sorry." Dale said.

Dale looked at Abby.

Abby was beginning to tear up just from realizing she's about to lose one of her best friends soon.

Dale felt bad.

"How about this, I'll go." Dale sighed and said.

"Thanks Dale. I'm really going to need you and Markus." Abby said.

"All you can do now, Is decided the person you wanna be before you go." Abby continued.

"Your right." Dale said.

"I'm not even scared of death anymore. I'm ready to go." Dale said.

Abby hugged Dale.

"I'll do this one last bank heist with you guys. I'll pull through I guess." Dale said.

"I love you Dale." Abby said in a friendship way.

"I love you too. I love all of you." Dale said.

Dale and Abby went back to bed.

Dale felt soreness around his penis and every time he went to go urinate it would burn. Dale was living in constant pain.

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