Chapter XIV - Criminal Academy

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Today's the day, the big day. The robbery. This is the big day in this hell of criminal academy. Let's get it.


Dale got up after a violent cough had stricken him once again. He cleaned up the blood he coughed up with a mop.

Dale felt that nervousness feeling overwhelm him. Will their be a happy ending? I don't know.

Dale often thought about sneaking out of here.

Dale had a strange dream before he started coughing.

He had a dream of Rigby and Reshonna. They were reaching out to Dale it felt like. He doesn't remember what they said but he does remember that they were in his dream. He misses them.

Dale got a drink of water and went to the prepping room.

No one was inside yet but Dale still wanted to look around.

At this point, Dale isn't as strong anymore as he once was. He's weak and rib showing skinny.

He picked up his guns and picked up his mask.

"Hey." A voice said.

Dale looked back and it was Abby at the doorway.

"Hey-" Dale said before he saw Scott.

"The fuck you doing back here, kid?" Scott said.

"Getting my shit." Dale responded.

"Get the fuck out." Scott replies.

"Why should we get out?" Abby said finally standing up to Scott.

"Because it's not the time right now. Now shoo, get lost." Scott said.

"No, I don't think we are getting out." Markus said walking up behind Scott.

Scott felt a sudden urge to just kill every last one of them.

He had a sinister plan.

"You know Dale, everything was fine until you came in." Scott said.

Dale just gave him a smug look.

Markus grabbed Scott and threw him on the ground.

"Get off him!" Abby shouted.

Markus was about to beat Scott's ass until he stopped.

Markus got off him.

"You ugly fucking brats." Scott said.

Scott than walked out.

"What a pussy." Dale said.

Dale felt fear, he was weak. He wanted to take care of Scott still though.

"You all ready for this robbery in a few hours?" Abby replies helping Dale up.

"Yeah." Dale responded huffing and puffing just getting up.

"Don't listen to Scott." Abby said to Dale.

"I know...I know." Dale said heavy breathing.

Looks like his sickness was starting to take over more.

Dale felt a burning sensation around his body.

Markus, Abby, and Dale all talked and reviewed the plan about the robbery once again.

"You really let him treat you like that?" Markus said to Dale.

"I don't give a fuck what he does anymore man." Dale said.

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