Epilogue - ||

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"We've been with this team for months man. It's hard to see people die or leave."

It started raining in Lomere, Markus still driving Alex to his house.

Alex fell asleep on the car ride to his house, this rainy day reminded Markus of a day a few years back. He can't quite remember what it was but he remembers it being very gloomy.

He turned on the radio and just listened to the music as he safely drove toward his house.

His house is very nice looking. It's similar to Abbys house but bigger, the house someone wanted years ago.

Markus pulled up onto the driveway and woke up Alex.

"Hey buddy, we're here." Markus said while lightly shaking Alex.

Alex quickly snapped open his eyes and yawned and then went out of the car to go inside.

It was pouring down rain so Markus put a jacket over Alex so he doesn't get soaked.

Markus opened the door and let Alex in.

"The TV is on now so just do whatever." Markus said hanging up his coat.

"Okay!" Alex said in excitement and turned on the tv.

Markus finished hanging up his coat and sat down with Alex.

"So, how is school?" Markus asked Alex trying to start a conversation up.

"It's okay, I don't really like it." Alex responded.

"Trust me, kid. I feel ya there." Markus said patting him on the back.

Alex and Markus chuckled a bit.

In the mean time, Markus and Alex played tons of games and watched movies together.

Alex had the time of his life.

They were super close. Markus turned his life around once he found out Abby was pregnant. He wanted to be there for her even if they are just close friends.

"So, I heard you was looking through some old photos earlier." Markus said.

"Uh-huh! I found old pictures of you and mommy and other people!" Alex said,

"Is that so?" Markus said.

"Mhm!" Alex said sounding excited.

"What happened to the other people? Are they living somewhere else?!" Alex said sounding excited to meet them.

Markus froze up a bit.

"I uh...er..I, I don't know, I just hope they are fine and at peace wherever they are." Markus responded.

"Anyways, do you need any help with anything?" Markus asked very sudden and random trying to change the subject.

A couple hours went by.

They both were asleep and Markus heard a knock at the door and instantly woke up.

He went to see who it was and it was Abby. Coming to visit, eh?

"Shit, my bad I didn't see your text." Markus said.

"It's fine. Where's Alex?" Abby asked.

"On the couch, sleeping." Markus responded.

"May I come in?" Abby asked.

"Course." Markus said opening the door wider.

"I have to pick him up today. It's a school night." Abby continued.

AcademyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon