Chapter X - I Always Looked Up To You

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Sunrise rose upon Lomere. Everyone at Scott's mansion was waking up aside from Dale and Markus. Dale was still trying to have his sleep from being up all night and waking up just to cough or feel dizzy or feel a burning sensation. Markus just wanted his beauty sleep. Markus was very hardened by the news that Dale was sick. He didn't wanna bring it up or show any emotion thinking it's not like him and that he has to man up.

Markus woke up and saw Dale. Dale looked skinnier, had more raspy breathing, I guess he was lucky enough to even get a few hours of sleep. Markus decided not to wake him but go see the rest of the team. Markus got up and opened the door and saw the main room emptier than usual. He just saw Abby and 7 other team members.

"The hell is going on?" Markus asked Abby.

"What do you mean?" Abby asked.

"This shi is empty man. Where the fuck did everyone go?" Markus said.

"Oh, they are with Scott. Scoping out this city bank...I guess." She replied.

"What about Dale?" Markus asked.

"Scott has this crazy idea that all of us are going. He's forcing Dale to go which he shouldn't be doing at all." Abby replied.

"We are still goin' through wit this shit? I thought this was over man." Markus said.

"I thought we were also. Scott has supposedly been planning but we all know how that turns out." Abby replies.

"Dale is fuckin' sick man. He can't force him to go." Markus said.

"I know, that's what I'm thinking also." Abby replies.

"I gotta go talk to Scott." Abby continued.

"I'll talk to him about Dale." She said.

"Ight." Markus replies.

Abby put down her drink and walked up the large stairs. She felt very nervous. She was possibly about to confront Scott which is something that hasn't been done before.

She slowly opened the door and saw Scott smoking in his black suit and fedora.

She slowly opened the door and saw Scott smoking in his black suit and fedora

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-(Painting Credit - Fabian Perez.)

"Scott." Abby said.

"The hell do you want?" Scott said giving Abby a smug face.

"I-I'm here to ask about the robbery you've been plan-" she was cut off.

"You are just now asking me about it? Seriously? After all those weeks I've given you a heads up?" Scott said.

Scott seemed more annoyed than anything. Unnecessarily showing passive aggression towards Abby.

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