Chapter 38 - Happy News

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I spent all morning dancing at my mother studio, after teaching my lessons. I was so disconnected to her, and I... didn't even care. I was so mad she cheated on my dad, it was wrong and I couldn't understand why something like that happened. I wouldn't' call myself a hopeless romantic, not at all, I knew nothing was perfect. I know every relationships has peeks and pits.

But cheating was something that was totally and completely uncalled for, it was such a horrible thing to do. I know couples have their faults, but I don't think there is an excuse in the world. Not only that, but I still didn't grasp who she was, and maybe it was time I stopped caring. I wanted to focus on myself right now.

I texted Liam, asking if he wanted to hang out for a bit. We were on rocky territory, I felt it, but I still found our friendship worth fighting for. He and I bundled up and met up at Central Park, grabbing coffee and taking a walk.

"How are you?" I smiled.

"I'm fine, how are you, hang out with Harry last night?"

I think my blush gave it away, smears of red lipstick stained my mind. What a great time.I snapped back into my mind. "Yes." I spoke, not willing to lie. "I'm fine."

He shook his head. "Forget I brought him up."

"You are such a pain in the ass, I am an adult. I am a grown woman. I can make choices on who I spend my time with, stop making me feel so bad."

"I'm not trying to but Dottie, I'm worried. I get the worst feeling from that guy."

"You're blinded by how much you hate him." I said point blank.

"Well yeah," he shouted. "How can I not hate him? How the fuck can I not hate him when he's... it's like you're changing all of who you are for this ballet."

"No. I'm still me, still," I grumbled.

"You sound like you're so disappointed in that." He rolled his eyes. "That's wrong Odette, you can have both. You can be the White and Black Queen."

"You don't even get the kind of fire the Black Queen plays with, you don't even know her. You don't get it. You will never understand. Harry get's it, it's why I'm spending time with him."

"Oh, right," he shook his head and threw his coffee away. "I'm not a jackass so I couldn't possibly understand." He started away.

"Liam!" he ignored me. "Li!"

He left me, and I took a breath, sitting on a chilly bench. Why did it feel like Harry would be this awful demise of all my friendships, or relationship with my mother? I had no idea, all I knew was that I put myself on this path, and I was not going to stop until I won this game and took my bow.

I called Sarah, telling her about it. She invited me over to her place, which meant Nialls place too.

"I'm so frustrated," I spoke, as soon as she opened the door.

"I know," she frowned and let me in. It was shockingly clean, but I knew that was her doing and not Nialls.

We sat in the living room and she listened to me vent, but gave no advice, what could she say?

"I need him," I breathed out. 'I need Harry in my life, he's this storm brewing and I want to get to the eye of it, know what I mean?"

"Don't be too dependent on him, really Odette, it makes me so nervous."

"Me too."

Just then a rowdy Niall came in, making her light up. "Baby," he shouted, slamming the door.

"Right here," he came around. "How was basketball at the indoor track thing or whatever?"

He came over and pecked her lips. "Great, it's indoor basketball doll. I need to shower, hey Odette,"

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