Chapter 50 - Connection (Mature)

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He didn't answer my calls, he didn't reply to my texts and I didn't dare go over to his apartment. I was far too scared. I couldn't believe he just screamed after me after the blissed-out bonding experience. I was rudely slapped with reality; Harry is always going to be changing. Half of me wanted terribly to know what came over him, but the fact that we were standing in my mothers home, with my mothers things made me unnerved. I didn't want to hear anything ill about her, nothing more anyway.

"Hey," I came over to Niall.


"How is the wedding coming along?" I asked as I looked around, for Harry.

"Shh," he pulled me off to the side. "I think it's all set up, I booked the photographer, and did the registry and stuff. I think we're set." He swallowed.

"Oh don't be nervous, she's going to be so, so excited."

"I hope so Dot, damn it's scary."

"Don't be scared, don't be scared at all."

We all had this group meeting for rehearsal, and Harry still hadn't arrived. He didn't come the whole day, I was so frustrated. I called him, again and again. I was walking out of the studio when my mom called me.

"Did you get my text, about the piano?"

"What?" her voice was strained. "No, Odette," she sobbed.

"What, what's wrong?" I froze, never hearing her cry like that since the funeral.

"Someone destroyed the studio, come over, come over right now."

"I'll be right there."

I flew out of the Company and hailed a cab, rushing inside as a police car drove away.

"Mom?" I shouted and ran in, seeing her crying.

The mirrors were shattered, a stool taken and thrown into them, glass littered the floor. She grabbed my hand and brought me upstairs; her office was torn apart to hell. I looked, and she was wearing that white scarf.

"What happened?" I gasped.

"I don't know, someone broke in, someone destroyed everything." She cried. She wrapped her arms around me and I held her tight, rubbing up and down her back.

"I am so, so sorry, oh mom, don't cry."

I didn't move, we just stood and honestly... I missed her, I really did. I knew I was still so angry at her affair, angry at all these past stories of her being cruel. But hell, I missed my mom.

"I'll start cleaning up, you go home, go home," I brushed her hair back. "Sleep, I'll take care of all this."


"Yes really, really, go, I'll be home soon." She kissed my cheek, and walked away trembling.

I began sweeping, my mind scrambling and as I swept up glass the image of Harry breaking that photo flashed in my head.

"No." I shook my head, not willing to buy it.

I swept up the studio, a company already coming to bring in new mirrors and repair the damage. Then I went and started organizing her office that was in total disarray. It took a few hours, but I drove over to my mothers.

"Hey," I came and sat in her bed.

"Why did my picture break yesterday?"

"Oh," I glanced at the one over on the dresser. "I came in here and knocked it down by mistake, I was looking for a photo of dad."

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